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Brother Ward is a great prize; he does not learn the language so quickly, but he is so holy, so spiritual a man, and so useful among the children." Thus early did Carey note the value of Hannah Marshman, the first woman missionary to India.

If he do not, he will probably soon he called somewhere; Mr. Marshman wants him to come to Randolph. I don't know how it will be." "Well!" said Ellen, with a kind of acquiescing sigh, "at any rate now we must wait until next Christmas."

"What is the matter, Ellen?" said Mrs. Chauncey. "Mrs. Bland told me, Mamma," she began, her eye not ceasing its uneasy quest; but then breaking off and springing to Alice's side, she threw her arms round her neck, and gave her, certainly, the warmest of all the warm welcomes she had had that day. "Hallo!" cried Mr. Marshman, rapping on the table; "that's too much for any one's share.

Surely a man's caring for his family's health and his children's education is, if a crime, a venial one, and ought not to be held up to blacken his reputation. Brother Marshman is no more perfect than other men, partakers like him of the grace of God. His natural bias and habits are his own, and differ as much from those of other men as theirs differ from one another.

Marshman uses the expression, 'the incident, trifling as it may appear; but I will ask the House if they can conceive a state of society in a country under the Government of England where a scene of violence such as has been described could be considered trifling? The right hon.

But the brotherhood cannot be said to have ended till John Marshman, C.S.I., died in London in 1877. From first to last the three families contributed to the cause of God from their own earnings, ninety thousand pounds, and the world would never have known it but for the lack of the charity that envieth not on the part of Andrew Fuller's successors.

The opium question has been alluded to by the right hon. I must say I do not know any one connected with China, or at all acquainted with the subject, who is not of opinion that the opium revenue is very near its termination. Even the favourite authority of the President of the Board of Control, Mr. Marshman, declared his opinion that India was on the verge of a great financial crisis.

These things placed him in the foreground, and it has been no uncommon thing for him to bear the blame of those acts which equally belong to Brother Ward and myself, merely because he was the instrument employed in performing them. "The charge of profusion brought against Dr. Marshman is more extensive than you have stated in your letter.

Sir Walter always took a warm interest in the school. His speech as Chairman at the opening ceremony, on the 1st October 1824, is quoted in the Life, vol. vii. p. 268. Burnt at Edinburgh in 1670. See Arnot's Crim. Trials. 4to, Edin. 1785. Afterwards Sir John Rennie, knighted on the completion of the Bridge. See ante, p. 307, and post, p. 359. Dr. Marshman died in 1837.

Then he would recall the fact that the little church he at first formed had branched out into six and twenty churches, in which the ordinances of the Gospel were regularly administered, and he would whisper, "What has God wrought!" The last Sabbath had come and the last full day. The constant Marshman was with him.