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Those Lanthorn Jaws of yours, with that most villanous Sneer and Grin, and a certain fierce Air of your Eyes, looks altogether most fanatically which with your notorious Whey Beard, are certain Signs of Knavery and Cowardice; therefore I'ad rather wed that Spider Harlequin, that Sceleton Buffoon, that Ape of Man, that Jack of Lent, that very Top, that's of no use, but when 'tis whip'd and lash'd, that piteous Property I'ad rather wed than thee.

I never was took so suddin in all me life." "I wonder you didn't have your dinner in the Carlton Hotel, Sarah." "So I would 'a' done if I'd hev bed time ter chinge me dress. You orter know, Dook, as no lidy ever goes inter them plices in wot she's bin a wearin' afore she cleaned herself. I'ad ter go ter Marlborough 'Ouse ter tell the Prince of Wales, and that's wot kept me."

'Tis a rude gust, and merits your reproaches: But yet the saucy Flame can ne'er controul That Adoration which I owe my Princess: That, with Religion, took possession here, And in my Prayers I mix with you the Deities. Gal. I'ad rather you should treat me as a Mortal, Rise and begin to do so. Alcip. Now, Madam, what must I expect from you? Er. Alcippus, all that's to your Virtue due. Alcip.

Alcan. As most Men of my Age. Phi. And wouldst thou counsel me to such a Sin? For I do understand thee. Alcan. I know not what you term so. Phi. I never thought thou'dst been so great a Villain, To urge me to a crime would damn us all; Why dost thou smile, hast thou done well in this? Alcan. I thought so, or I'ad kept it to my self.

But it vere a good night on the whole, thanks to you and the Corp 'ere, I got the whole gang, though, from conclusions as I'd drawed I'ad 'oped to get vell, shall ve say Number Two? But Fate was ag'in me. Still, I don't complain, and the vay you fought 'em off till the Corp and my specials come up vas a vonder!" "Ah! that it were!" nodded the Corporal.

The tears seemed to stop from sheer surprise; little grey eyes gazed round, patient little eyes from above an almost bridgeless nose. "I'ad a baby. It's dead.... its father's dead in France.... I was goin' in the water, but I didn't like the look of it, and now I never will." That "Now I never will," moved Noel terribly.

I moved from Oxford Street to the new "Horseshoe" that year it had just been rebuilt and there I saw a good deal of them, for they came in to lunch there or supper pretty regular. Young "Kipper" or the "Captain" as everybody called him gave out that he was her half-brother. "I'ad to be some sort of a relation, you see," he explained to me.