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Betcherlife my ma'd chinge with yours if she could." "Would she? But Angel doesn't get on at all well here. I've heard her telling a lady she lent some money to, and wanted to have it back, after awhile.

But I am empowered to offer, on behalf of my client, a proposal for operating on Dr. Warner again, at his earliest convenience, and without further fees." "'Ang it all, Michael," cried Gould, quite serious for the first time in his life, "you might give us a bit of bally sense for a chinge." "What was Dr. Warner talking about just before the first shot?" asked Moon sharply.

I never was took so suddin in all me life." "I wonder you didn't have your dinner in the Carlton Hotel, Sarah." "So I would 'a' done if I'd hev bed time ter chinge me dress. You orter know, Dook, as no lidy ever goes inter them plices in wot she's bin a wearin' afore she cleaned herself. I'ad ter go ter Marlborough 'Ouse ter tell the Prince of Wales, and that's wot kept me."

"Garn," growled Barney. "You an' yer luck! Gent may want a mug, but y'd show yer money fust." "Strewth! I've got it. Y' aint got the chinge fer wot I 'ave in me 'and 'ere. 'As 'e, mister?" "Show it," taunted the man, and then turning to Dart. "Yer wants a mug o' cawfee?" "Yes." The girl held out her hand cautiously the piece of gold lying upon its palm. "Look 'ere," she said.

He will pay for his enmity, whatever its degree, as I have done, ancl be wiser, by reason of his losses." "Ah! you think too much of your ill fortunes. That is bad. It takes from your confidence and so enfeebles your skill. You should think of it less seriously. Another cast, and the tables chinge. You will have your revenge."

Betcherlife my ma'd chinge with yours if she could." "Would she? But Angel doesn't get on at all well here. I've heard her telling a lady she lent some money to, and wanted to have it back, after awhile.