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Don't you mind when we was a-goin' up Snowdon arter Winifred that mornin'? I told you as the rocks, an' the trees, an' the winds, an' the waters cuss us when we goes ag'in the Romany blood an' ag'in the dukkerin' dook. 'You mean conscience, Sinfi.

An' th' babby cryin' out his heart, an' him settin' there with his eyes as red as his hair, an' makin' no kick, poor soul. "But wan day th' ship settled down steady, an' ragin' stummicks with it; an' th' Roscommon man shakes himself, an' says, 'To 'ell with th' Prince iv Wales an' th' Dook iv Edinboroo, an' goes out.

It was like abusing the Lions in Trafalgar Square. But the heathkeeper felt his honour was at stake. "Don't you make no remarks to 'IM," said the keeper as the carter came up broadside to them. "'E's a bloomin' dook, 'e is. 'E don't converse with no one under a earl. 'E's off to Windsor, 'e is; that's why 'e's stickin' his be'ind out so haughty. Pride!

She never dreamed of acting up to her own words, so that nobody minded Betty's repeated notices. But on the morning of the day when Miss Tredgold was expected, Betty told nurse that she was about to give a real, earnest notice at last. "I am going," she said. "I go this day month. I march out of this house, and never come back no, not even if a dook was to conduct me to the hymeneal altar."

The driver cracked his whip and the horses started. "Aweel," said the landlord to himself, as he watched the chaise winding its way up the mountain-pass. "Aweel, I waur e'en just confounded to see the dook here away without the doochess; and I just after reading in the Times how they were married o' the day before yesterday, and gane for their wedding trip to Paris!

I'd never have got a court-martial if I'd been with my outfit. I was in the Base Hospital 15 with pneumonia." "Tough luck!" "It was a hell of a note." "Say, Dook, your outfit was working with ours at Chamfort that time, wasn't it?" "You mean when we evacuated the nut hospital?" "Yes, wasn't that hell?"

The place belongs now to the Duke of Norfolk, the great Catholic duke, and owes its restoration to his pity and his piety. Our farmer guide was himself a Protestant, but he spoke well of the duke, with whom he reported himself in such colloquies as, "I says to Dook," and, "Dook says to me."

When these preparations had been made, those men, who had never seen turtle-turning performed, were instructed in their duties by an experienced hand. The process being simple, the explanation was short and easy. All that you've got for to do is to keep parfitly still till the turtles comes out o' the sea, d'ye see? then, as the Dook o' Wellin'ton said at Waterloo Up boys an' at 'em!

In her picture she was driving four horses. Don't you remember it, grandma? She sat up tall and high on a seat, holding a whole lot of ribbons and whips and things. She has an elegant figger. I guess mebbe the dook wasn't rich enough. She hasn't been engaged to anybody else, and I shouldn't wonder now but she'd take George Benedict back. He was so awful stuck on her!"

Can you overtake it?" "I'd like nothing better than to run down one o' them Dook machines!" said the driver. The driver of the taxicab proved to be a sound sport. Five minutes of luck, aided by nerve, brought the two machines somewhat nearer together. The motor-car gained in the open spaces, the taxicab caught up when it came to weaving its way in and out and dodging the trolleys.