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"He huz to do his dooty, doesn't he?" mused Christie, "But thot's not sayin' he loikes it, child!" "Well, he might find a way not to frighten his mother !" Mrs. Duncannon stretched her neck to see if he was really stopping at the parsonage, and Christie murmured: "Perhaps he will."

He's got a kind of a way with him an' he sits dahn with the like of huz, and he talks to us as if we was men in place o' bein' cattle, which is the way with most on 'em. Here's good luck to Captain Volnay, an' if ah'd got a glass o' that steamin' poonch they'n got in Aberdeen, ode bird, ah'd scald my throat with a relish.

They are clean anither set frae the like o' huz; there's nae bailie-courts amang them nae magistrates that dinna bear the sword in vain, like the worthy deacon that's awa', and, I may say't, like mysell and other present magistrates in this city But it's just the laird's command, and the loon maun loup; and the never another law hae they but the length o' their dirks the broadsword's pursuer, or plaintiff, as you Englishers ca' it, and the target is defender; the stoutest head bears langest out; and there's a Hieland plea for ye."

I could not imagine what the purport of the dialogue was; but I easily saw, that I myself was the subject of it, for I could perceive them glance at me occasionally, as if they felt a degree of hesitation in laying down the matter for my approval; at length she opened it with great adroitness: "Musha, an' to be sure he will, Katty dear an' darlin' and mightn't you know he would the refusin' to do it isn't in his face, as any body that has eyes to see may know you ashamed! and what for would ye be ashamed? asthore, it's 'imself that's not proud, or he wouldn't tramp it, barefooted, along wud two ould crathurs like huz; him that has no sin to answer for but I'll spake to 'im myself, and yell see it's he that won't refuse it.

"But the rich have the House of Lords, where they are paramount," said Sandy Pringle. "A very feeble barrier that would be found against the abuses of democracy," said Francis. "You know well that in all emergencies the Lords must give way to the Commons." "'Deed maun they," said Jamie Howison, "and the only chance of justice for huz that they maun.

We want nae ten-hours bills what richt hae parliaments to dictate to huz, an' keep huz frae sellin' a' we hae to sell, oor time an' oor labour? We want to be let alane to mind oor ain business, an no to be treated as if we was bairns that didna ken what was for their gude.

"An' is that by way of defince of Captain Bartle Flanagan?" inquired Rouser Redhead, indignantly. "An' so our worthy captain sint the man across that punished our inimy, even accordian to your own provin', an' that by staggin' aginst him. Of coorse, had the miser's son been one of huz, Bartle's brains would be scattered to the four quarthers of heaven long agone."

Sudna ye hae come faster up yoursells, instead of flyting at huz?" This excuse would hardly have passed current; but Kettledrummle, who now awoke from his trance of terror, and was known to, and reverenced by, most of the wanderers, together with Mause, who possessed their appropriate language as well as the preacher himself, proved active and effectual intercessors.

But, Maister Hogarth, ye see that property, an' education, an' rank, an' a' that, hae had it a' their ain way for hundreds o' years; it's time that we should hae oor turn. Even if we had owre muckle power, I think we wad mak nae bad use of it. It's hard to keep huz oot o' oor richts for ever because ye think we micht get a thocht mair than is good for us."

Shortcake; "his brother neer brought me ony wild-deukes, and this is a douce honest man; we serve the family wi' bread, and he settles wi' huz ilka week only he was in an unco kippage when we sent him a book instead o' the nick-sticks,* whilk, he said, were the true ancient way o' counting between tradesmen and customers; and sae they are, nae doubt." "But look here, lasses," interrupted Mrs.