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Richard, said the woman, in broad dialect, when the child had gone up half a dozen times; she was nervous, and kept holding out her arms involuntarily. 'Ah doan't ovver much fancy that kind o' laakin. What's more, he's allus reight dahn fratchy after a turn o' that. See nah, he'll nivver want you to stop. Do a' done nah, Mr. Richard.

When he returned his face was white, the sweat hung on his forehead, and a trembling shook his whole body. "For Gawd's sake, Father, leave the house at onct!" he whispered in great agitation. "There's a gang outside as'll pull the place dahn if I keep you."

Dahn squats one on his backside an' writes something in 'igh words. Up pops another and says something in 'igher; an' so they go on poppin' up an' squattin' dahn till you get an atmosphere where you can't breathe; and all the time all we want is to be let alone, and 'uman kindness do the rest. All these fellers 'ave got two weaknesses one's ideas, and the other's their own importance.

'Well, it don't look like my old one, do it? said Liza. 'Where did yer git it? asked another friend, rather enviously. 'Picked it up in the street, of course, scornfully answered Liza. 'I believe it's the same one as I saw in the pawnbroker's dahn the road, said one of the men, to tease her. 'Thet's it; but wot was you doin' in there? Pledgin' yer shirt, or was it yer trousers?

'It's my belief she's unconscious, said Mrs. Kemp. 'I've been askin' 'er 'oo it was as done it, but she don't seem to 'ear wot I say. It's been a great shock ter me, Mrs. 'Odges. 'I believe you, replied that lady, sympathetically. 'Well, when you come in and said wot it was, yer might 'ave knocked me dahn with a feather. I knew no more than the dead wot 'ad 'appened.

In an upper room of the neighbouring public-house were a suffering "runner" and a disconsolate "cabby." The "runner" could tell them nothing tangible concerning the man he pursued. "I sawr 'im bring the hoss dahn like a bullick," he whispered, for the poor fellow had received a terrible blow.

'You ain't been dahn in the street much, 'ave yer? said Liza, by way of making the acquaintance. 'Na, answered Mrs. Blakeston, 'my youngster's been dahn with the measles, an' I've 'ad my work cut out lookin' after 'im. 'Oh, an' is 'e all right now?

'Don't you wish you was comin', Liza? asked Sally. 'Na! I could if I liked, but I don't want ter. 'You are a coughdrop thet's all I can say. Ketch me refusin' when I 'ave the chanst. 'Well, it's done now. I ain't got the chanst any more. Liza said this with just a little regret in her voice. 'Come on dahn to the "Red Lion", Liza, and see us off, said Sally.

Nice sort o' bloke you are! Arter creatin' abaht ole Bill makin' you miserable, you goes on to plan 'ow you'll make other folks miserable! Wot's the bleedin' good o' that? Keep smilin', I sez, an' keep other folks smilin' too, if you can. If ever I gets 'ome I'll go dahn on my bended, I will, and I'll be a different sort o' bloke to wot I been afore. Swelp me, Bob, I will!

'Two pints of bitter, please, miss, ordered Jim. 'I say, 'old 'ard. I can't drink more than 'alf a pint, said Liza. 'Cheese it, answered Jim. 'You can do with all you can get, I know. At closing time they left and walked down the broad road which led homewards. 'Let's 'ave a little sit dahn, said Jim, pointing to an empty bench between two trees. 'Na, it's gettin' lite; I want ter be 'ome.