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That ain't 'alf so good. Me an' 'Arry, we set together, 'im with 'is arm round my wiste and me oldin' 'is 'and. It was jam, I can tell yer! 'Well, I don't want anyone sprawlin' me abaht, thet ain't my mark! 'But I do like 'Arry; you dunno the little ways 'e 'as; an' we're goin' ter be married in three weeks now. 'Arry said, well, 'e says, "I'll git a licence."

Tom joined her, and as the captain at last resumed his bat and the game went on, they commenced talking, Liza leaning against the wall of a house, while Tom stood in front of her, smiling with pleasure. 'Where 'ave you been idin' yerself, Tom? I ain't seen yer for I dunno 'ow long. 'I've been abaht as usual; an' I've seen you when you didn't see me.

"Good-morning," John said to the driver as he rose from his seat. "Goo'-mornin'!" said the driver. He paused while John got out of the seat into the gangway. "You know," he went on, "you wown't git so excited abaht things after you bin 'ere a bit. You'll tyke things more calm. Like me. I down't go an' lose my 'ead abaht Shykespeare!..." "Good-morning," said John.

All wot you bin tell in' us about the town an' the bay an' the way you used to take it easy there all that's just a bloomin' lie. See?" The Dago's face was white and his lips trembled. He tried to smile. "Not there," he repeated. "It is de joke, not? You fool me, Bill, yais?" Bill shook his head. "I wouldn't fool yer abaht a thing like that," he declared sturdily. "There ain't no such place, Dago.

"'Ow abaht an inch or two o' the bay'net to loosen 'is tongue?"

'Na, yer can't do thet now; it's bigamy, an' the cop tikes yer, an' yer gits twelve months' 'ard for it. 'But swop me bob, Liza, I can't go on like this. Yer knows the missus well, there ain't no bloomin' doubt abaht it, she knows as you an' me are carryin' on, an' she mikes no bones abaht lettin' me see it. 'She don't do thet?

"Why you want to know dat name?" he asked at length. "Well," said Bill, "you bin talkin' abaht it a lot, and so, d'yer see, I reckoned I'd find out. An' yesterday I 'ad to go into the cabin to get at the lazareet 'atch, an' the chart was spread out on the table." "De chart?" The Dago was slow to understand. "Ah, yais. Mapa chart. An' you look at-a 'im, yais?"

"Tell the truth abaht that big fat 'ed starting the row to the police, and I'll pay for the smash," said the little Jew. "And while we're waiting for the police let's have a drink," he continued. "Here's your health, guv'nor; blimey, but you're a bit useful in a scrap!" By this time the police were pounding at the door. "My money my money!" again pleaded the bar-keeper.

At last Bill, getting fed up with this unusual solicitude, yelled back: 'What's all the anxiety abaht, eh? And Fortnum put his head round the traverse and explained. 'We're getting up a little sweepstake in our bay, he said, 'abaht the first casuality, and I've drawn you, ole son!" Wagstaffe chuckled. "That must have been the regiment that had the historic poker party," he said.

That awful bridge!..." "I down't see nothink wrong with it," the driver interrupted. "Nothing wrong with it! You'd think they were ashamed of it, they've hidden it so!" "I down't see nothink wrong with it. Wot you gettin' so excited abaht?" "Shakespeare said his prayers there!" John ejaculated. "Well, wot if 'e did?" the driver replied. "We down't think nothink of Cathedrals owver 'ere!