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quod nec Jovis ira, nec ignes, Nec poterit ferrum, nec edax abolere vetustas.” First Journey. —“nec herba, nec latens in asperis Radix fefellit me locis.” In the month of April, 1812, I left the town of Stabroek, to travel through the wilds of Demerara and Essequibo, a part of ci-devant Dutch Guiana, in South America.

The grass flames up on the hillsides like a spring fire "et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata" as if the earth sent forth an inward heat to greet the returning sun; not yellow but green is the color of its flame; the symbol of perpetual youth, the grass-blade, like a long green ribbon, streams from the sod into the summer, checked indeed by the frost, but anon pushing on again, lifting its spear of last year's hay with the fresh life below.

He had the Gaul's feeling for grace and delicacy, and brought in Celtic beauty to illumine the Italian world. The lines are impregnated with the soul, the inner atmosphere, of the Italian land; full of touches such as that lovely Muscosi fontes et somno mollior herba, of violets and popies and narcissus; quinces and chestnut trees. It is a practial treatise on farming; yet a living poem.

The columbine was once known as Herba leonis, from a belief that it was the lion's favourite plant, and it is said that when bears were half-starved by hybernating having remained for days without food they were suddenly restored by eating the arum.

"And, for aught I know," added he, "she is so at this moment." "You are cruel!" said Mauleverer, disconcerted. "I trust not, for the sake of my continued addresses." "My dear lord," said Brandon, urbanely taking the courtier's hand, while the anguis in herba of his sneer played around his compressed lips, "my dear lord, we are old friends, and need not deceive each other.

It is chiefly employed in external applications for some kinds of cutaneous eruptions; and for destroying lice and other insects; insomuch that it has from this virtue received its name in different languages, Herba pedicularis, Herbe aux poux, Lauskraut, Lousewort. DIANTHUS caryophyllus. CLOVE-PINK. The Petals. E. These flowers are said to be cardiac and alexipharmac.

In vain did loyal Frenchmen baptize the weed as the queen's own favorite, Herba Catherinae Medicae; it is easier to admit that Catherine de' Medici was not feminine than that tobacco is. Man also recognizes the antagonism; there is scarcely a husband in America who would not be converted from smoking, if his wife resolutely demanded her right of moiety in the cigar-box.

The marine productions which are commonly known by the names of "Corals" and "Corallines," were thought by the ancients to be sea-weeds, which had the singular property of becoming hard and solid, when they were fished up from their native depths and came into contact with the air. "Sic et curalium, quo primum contigit auras Tempore durescit: mollis fuit herba sub undis,"

"His is, indeed, the disease nulla medicabilis herba. Whether it is the past or the present that afflicts him whether it is the memory of past evil, or the satiety of present good, he has taken to his heart the bitterest philosophy of life.

But if one attends well to the difference between the two notes, and bears in mind, to guide one, such things as Virgil's "moss-grown springs and grass softer than sleep:" "Muscosi fontes et somno mollior herba " as his charming flower-gatherer, who "Pallentes violas et summa papavera carpens Narcissum et florem jungit bene olentis anethi " as his quinces and chestnuts: