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Even within the limits of the same genus, for instance in Dianthus, these two opposite cases occur. The fertility, both of first crosses and of hybrids, is more easily affected by unfavourable conditions, than is the fertility of pure species.

The word Coccux in Greek signifies both a young fig and a cuckoo, which is supposed to have arisen from the coincidence of their appearance in Greece. Perhaps a similar coincidence of appearance in some parts of Asia gave occasion to the story of the loves of the rose and nightingale, so much celebrated by the eastern poets. See Dianthus.

"Love-sick swains Compose rush-rings and myrtle-berry chains, And stuck with glorious kingcups, and their bonnets Adorn'd with laurell slips, chaunt their love sonnets." Prior assigns the name to Dianthus caryophyllus. Similarly willow was worn by a discarded lover.

In the same family there may be a genus, as Dianthus, in which very many species can most readily be crossed; and another genus, as Silene, in which the most persevering efforts have failed to produce between extremely close species a single hybrid.

The campanula white and blue, with abundance of lovely tinted deep orange potentills and rich carmine dianthus, were growing at our feet, with numerous other wild flowers. The pretty pink mallow, cultivated in gardens, grows everywhere, but not so luxuriantly here as about Morteau, and the serviceberry and barberry have almost disappeared.

It is chiefly employed in external applications for some kinds of cutaneous eruptions; and for destroying lice and other insects; insomuch that it has from this virtue received its name in different languages, Herba pedicularis, Herbe aux poux, Lauskraut, Lousewort. DIANTHUS caryophyllus. CLOVE-PINK. The Petals. E. These flowers are said to be cardiac and alexipharmac.

Portulaca hortensis, garden Purilain, at 9 10, and at 11 12. Dianthus prolifer, proliferous Pink, at 8 and at 1. Cichoreum, Succory, at 4 5. Hypochiaeris, at 6 7, and at 4 5. Crepis at 4 5, and at 10 II. Picris, at 4 5, and at 12. Calendula field, at 9, and at 3. Calendula African, at 7, and at 3 4.

A garden, brilliant with zinnias, dianthus, and petunias, all of immense size, and planted with European trees, is an oasis, and in it I camped for some weeks under a willow tree, covered, as many are, with a sweet secretion so abundant as to drop on the roof of the tent, and which the people collect and use as honey. The mission party consisted of Mr. and Mrs.

The one is Dianthus, which I have already mentioned; the other Bellis, the sea-daisy, of which there is an excellent description and plates in Mr. Gosse's "Rambles in Devon," pp. 24 to 32. It is common at Ilfracombe, and at Torquay; and indeed everywhere where there are cracks and small holes in limestone or slate rock.

LARKSPUR. This is also an annual flower, affording a pleasing variety in the flower garden in the summer months. For it culture, see p. 188. DIANTHUS Caryophyllus. THE CARNATION. All our fine varieties of the carnation are the produce of this plant.