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Arkansas, if you'd only let me " "Who's a henderin' you? Don't you insinuate nothing agin me! don't you do it. Don't you come in here bullyin' around, and cussin' and goin' on like a lunatic don't you do it. 'Coz I won't stand it. If fight's what you want, out with it! I'm your man! Out with it!" Said Johnson, backing into a corner, Arkansas following, menacingly: "Why, I never said nothing, Mr.

Arkansas, if you'd only let me " "Who's a henderin' you? Don't you insinuate nothing agin me! don't you do it. Don't you come in here bullyin' around, and cussin' and goin' on like a lunatic don't you do it. 'Coz I won't stand it. If fight's what you want, out with it! I'm your man! Out with it!" Said Johnson, backing into a corner, Arkansas following, menacingly: "Why, I never said nothing, Mr.

Missis has spilt lots dat ar way," said Dinah, coming uneasily to the drawers. "If Missis only will go up stars till my clarin' up time comes, I'll have everything right; but I can't do nothin' when ladies is round, a henderin'. You, Sam, don't you gib the baby dat ar sugar-bowl! I'll crack ye over, if ye don't mind!"

"Lor now! if dat ar de way dem northern ladies do, dey an't ladies, nohow," she said to some of her satellites, when at a safe hearing distance. "I has things as straight as anybody, when my clarin' up times comes; but I don't want ladies round, a henderin', and getting my things all where I can't find 'em."