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I'd say, 'I hope none of our free and enlightened citizens will blow this lyin', swaggerin', bullyin' monument up? I should be sorry for 'em to take notice of such vulgar insolence as this; for bullies will brag. He'd wink and say, 'I won't non-concur with you, Mr. Slick.

Faix, I thought onct the doughboys was nappin' too long, and ould Hell would be bullyin' away at ourselves. Now, thin, can we have a bite in paice? I'll shtart wid a few sausages, Brownie, and you may send in the shpring chickens wid some oyshters the second coorse. No!

"We all caught it in our time." "But I got it worse than any one," said Beetle. "If you want an authority on bullyin', Padre, come to me. Corkscrews brush-drill keys head-knucklin' arm-twistin' rockin' Ag Ags and all the rest of it." "Yes. I do want you as an authority, or rather I want your authority to stop it all of you." "What about Abana and Pharpar, Padre Harrison and Craye? They are Mr.

"You'll see in two shakes," said McTurk. "Don't swear like that. What we want to know is, why you two hulkin' swine have been bullyin' Clewer?" "It's none of your business." "What did you bully Clewer for?" The question was repeated with maddening iteration by each in turn. They knew their work. "Because we jolly well chose!" was the answer at last. "Let's get up."

Arkansas, if you'd only let me " "Who's a henderin' you? Don't you insinuate nothing agin me! don't you do it. Don't you come in here bullyin' around, and cussin' and goin' on like a lunatic don't you do it. 'Coz I won't stand it. If fight's what you want, out with it! I'm your man! Out with it!" Said Johnson, backing into a corner, Arkansas following, menacingly: "Why, I never said nothing, Mr.

'Member the snow all white on his eyebrows, Tertius? 'Member when Stalky moved the lamp and it looked as if he was alive?" "Ye-es," said Tertius, with a shudder. "'Member the beastly look on Stalky's face, though, with his nostrils all blown out, same as he used to look when he was bullyin' a fag? That was a lovely evening." "We held a council of war up there over Everett's body.

Sir, you needn't look at me, for I'm not afeerd to spake the thruth; no bullyin', sir, will make me say anything in your favor that you don't desarve.

Prout's pets," said McTurk a little bitterly. "We aren't even sub-prefects." "I've considered that, but on the other hand, since most bullying is mere thoughtlessness " "Not one little bit of it, Padre," said McTurk. "Bullies like bullyin'. They mean it. They think it up in lesson and practise it in the quarters." "Never mind. If the thing goes up to the prefects it may make another house-row.

"My Aunt!" said Campbell, appalled, from his corner, and turned white. "Put him away," said Stalky. "Bring on Campbell. Now this is bullyin'. Oh, I forgot! I say, Campbell, what did you bully Clewer for? Take out his gag and let him answer." "I I don't know. Oh, let me off! I swear I'll make it pax. Don't 'rock' me!" "'The bleatin' of the kid excites the tiger. He says he don't know.

They hante set up the brazen image here to worship, but they've got a gold one, and that they do adore and no mistake; it's all pay, pay, pay; parquisite, parquisite, parquisite; extortion, extortion, extortion. There is a whole pack of yelpin' devils to your heels here, for everlastinly a cringin', fawnin' and coaxin', or snarlin', grumblin' or bullyin' you out of your money.