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L. The root is a strong cathartic; it destroys worms, and is recommended in different species of mania. It is commonly substituted for that of the Helleborus viridis, which is a more dangerous medicine. Hill's Herbal, p. 32. Great care ought to be used in the administering this plant: many instances of its dreadful effects are related. Similar Plant. Helleborus viridis. HORDEUM distichon.

And here was certainly a striking instance of medical men neglecting so far the study of botany, as not to know one of the most useful as well as one of the most dangerous plants of the present Pharmacopoeia. HELLEBORUS foetidus.

The College of Edinburgh used to make this root an ingredient in the purging cephalic tincture, and compound tincture of jalap; and its extract, in the purging deobstruent pills, gamboge pills, the laxative mercurial pills, and the compound cathartic extract. Lewis's Mat. Med. Similar Plant. Helleborus viridis. HELLEBORUS foetidus. BEARSFOOT. Leaves.

In Aconitum, monkshood, the nectaries stand upright like two horns covered with a hood, which abounds with such acrid matter that no insects penetrate it. In Helleborus, hellebore, the many nectaries are placed in a circle, like little pitchers, and add much to the beauty of the flower.

North's paper-gardens The horologe of Flora The white petals of Helleborus niger become first red, and then change into a green calyx Berries of Menispernum intoxicate fish Effects of opium Frontispiece by Miss Crewe Petals of Cistus and Oenanthe continue but a few hours Method of collecting the gum from Cistus by leathern throngs Discovery of the Bark Foxglove how used in Dropsies

As the plant has no corol or blossom, it is probable the coloured juices in these parts of the sheath or leaves may serve the same purpose as the coloured juices in the petals of other flowers; from which I suppose the honey to be prepared. See note on Helleborus. I am informed that those tulip-roots which have a red cuticle produce red flowers. See Rubia.

As these observations were probably made in the botanic gardens at Upsal, they must require further attention to suit them to our climate. Many males, many females. The Helleborus niger, or Christmas rose, has a large beautiful white flower, adorned with a circle of tubular two-lipp'd nectarics.

GRATIOLA officinalis. HEDGE-HYSSOP. Herb. E. D. The leaves have a very bitter disagreeable taste: an infusion of a handful of them when fresh, or a dram when dried, is said to operate strongly as a cathartic. Kramer reports that he has found the root of this plant a medicine similar in virtue to Ipecacuanha. Similar Plants. Lythrum Salicaria; Scutellaria galericulata. HELLEBORUS niger.