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These tulips were given to me by a Dutch merchant, who told me that they were some of the rarest and finest in Holland. They will prosper with you, I'm sure, wind and weather permitting." Maurice thanked the gentleman, and returned home, eager to show his precious tulip-roots to his father, and to a companion of his, the son of a nurseryman, who lived near him.

"Yes, it is his business!" said Five. "And I'll tell him it was for bringing the cook tulip-roots instead of onions." Seven flung down his brush, and had just begun, "Well, of all the unjust things " when his eye chanced to fall upon Alice, as she stood watching them, and he checked himself suddenly: the others looked round also, and all of them bowed low.

This annual reproduction of the tulip-root induces some florists to believe that tulip-roots never die naturally, as they lose so few of them; whereas the hyacinth-roots, I am informed, will not last above five or seven years after they have flowered.

They were Mr Linacre's rare and valuable tulip-roots, brought from Holland. Roger cut one of them open, to see what it looked like, and then threw the whole lot into the boiler, now steaming over the fire, saying the family should have a dish the more at dinner to-day. They got hold of Oliver's tools, and the cup he was at work upon.

"Yes, sir," replied Maurice, "very fond of it; for my father is a gardener, and he lets me help him at his work, and he has given me a little garden of my own." "Then here are a couple of tulip-roots for you; and if you take care of them, I'll promise you that you will have the finest tulips in England in your little garden.

A strange, cleanly, money-grubbing Country of Botanic Gardens and Spitting-pans, universal Industry and Tobacco-pipes, Gingerbread and Sawing-mills, Tulip-roots and the Strong Waters of Schiedam, Cheese, Red Herrings, and the Protestant Religion.

Then he told Arthur the story of the captain of the ship, and the china jar; the seeds having been thrown down, and of the fine tulip-roots which had been given to him; and Maurice concluded by offering one of the precious roots to Arthur, who thanked him with great joy, and repeatedly said, "How good you were not to be angry with me for breaking your bell-glass!

'YOU'D better not talk! said Five. 'I heard the Queen say only yesterday you deserved to be beheaded! 'What for? said the one who had spoken first. 'That's none of YOUR business, Two! said Seven. 'Yes, it IS his business! said Five, 'and I'll tell him it was for bringing the cook tulip-roots instead of onions.

Ocymum covered with salt every night Salt a remote cause of scrophula, and immediate cause of sea-scurvy Coloured spatha of Arum, and blotched leaves, if they serve the purpose of a coloured petal Tulip-roots with a red cuticle produce red flowers Of vegetable mules the internal parts, at those of fructification, resemble the female parent; and the external parts, the male one

Then the bank they sat on would overlook a more beautiful garden than they had ever yet possessed. They might get the finest tulip-roots from Holland, and have a bed of them; and another of choice auriculas, just below George's tomb; and honeysuckles might be trained round it, to attract the bees.