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On the morning of the third day, the bride and her friends arrived. She was the only child of a Lammermoor farmer, and was in truth a real mountain flower a heath blossom; for the rude health that laughed upon her cheeks approached nearer the hue of the heather-bell, than the rose and vermillion of which poets speak.

The purple heather-bell is in bloom, the tiny blue milkwort and the yellow rock-rose help to make a summer carpet which is rendered still gayer by many a pale peach- coloured orchis and by an occasional spray of wild roses, deeper in the rose than the same flower is in the low countries, or by a tall white foxglove.

"The heather-bell costs nothing!" he thought, looking contemptuously at the masses of rare and beautiful flowers that surrounded him; "and the buttercups and daisies are as bright as the best of you!" He followed the artfully contrived ovals and squares of the Italian garden with a vagabond indifference to the symmetry of their construction and the ingenuity of their design.

I think a wholly normal man must have looked upon her as a child looks at a heather-bell gladly and gratefully, and with a pleased amazement. She was small and slight. Women of the majordomo type must have regarded her as still a child.

From some church-steeple or sand-knoll, it is to be hoped, some blue streak of the Lausitz Hills may be visible: the Sun and the Moon and the Heavenly Hosts, these full certainly are visible; and on an Earth which everywhere produces miracles of all kinds, from the daisy or heather-bell up to the man, one place is nearly equal to another for a brisk little Boy.

"I say," continued Elliot, as if indignant at this hint "I say, if the auld carline hersell was to get up out o' the grund just before us here, I would think nae mair But, gude preserve us, Earnscliff; what can yon, be!" Brown Dwarf, that o'er the moorland strays, Thy name to Keeldar tell! "The Brown Man of the Moor, that stays Beneath the heather-bell."

Restore to me that little spot, With grey hills compassed round, Where knotted grass neglected lies, And weeds usurp the ground. For she, too, loved the moors; and through her love for them she wrote two perfect lines when she called on Memory to Forever hang thy dreamy spell Round mountain star and heather-bell.

There are hill-sides and moss-hags in its vicinity, still known to the peasant as the places of worship and of refuge to the Covenanters in days of peril and alarm; and some of Scotland's martyrs were immolated at the doors of their own huts, the foundation of which may still be traced, overgrown with the green turf or the heather-bell.

The collops an' the cairngorms, The haggis an' the whin, The 'Staiblished, Free, an' U.P. kirks, The hairt convinced o' sin, The parritch an' the heather-bell, The snawdrap on the shaw, The bit lam's bleatin' on the braes, How can I leave them a'? How can I leave the marmalade An' bonnets o' Dundee? The haar, the haddies, an' the brose, The East win' blawin' free?

And the brownies they live under the leaves of the heather, and attend to the fairies, and dance with them at night just over the vast heather commons. Then, by a magical kind of movement, each little fairy sets her own heather-bell ringing, and you can't by any possibility imagine what the music is like.