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These were my thoughts as we drove through invisible streets in the Edinburgh haar, turned into what proved next day to be a Crescent, and drew up to an invisible house with a visible number 22 gleaming over a door which gaslight transformed into a probability.

It is a spot peculiarly secluded, to be within sight and sound of Edinburgh, lying hidden in the lap of the hills, sheltered "frae nirly nippin' Eas'lan' breeze and haar o' seas." It was there Stevenson began deliberately to educate himself to become the Master Stylist the "Virgil of prose" of his contemporaries. These Pentlands were to him always the hills of home.

When he came to the house, he found it all dark save a dim light in the rear, and it made him shiver with a premonition of failure. A servant girl answered his ring. He had the hope that this was the wrong house after all. "Can you tell me if Miss Wilbur lives here?" "Yassir, but she nat haar," answered the girl, with the Norwegian accent. "Where is she?" "Ay nat know.

About nine P.M. the lovers in the window recess discovered that the haar was all gone, and that it was a most beautiful moonlight night; full moon, the very night they had planned to go in a body to the top of St. Regulus tower. "I suppose they must," said Mr. Roy to Miss Williams; adding, "Let the young folks make the most of their youth; it never will come again." "No."

"Oh, you look just lovely, Anne," Judy assured her, with the cruel indifference of genius. "You're just lovely. I think this is the best I have done yet. Think what a picture you will make." "Think how my nose will peel," mourned Anne, forlornly. "Die schönste Jungfrau sitzet Dort oben wunderbar, Ihr goldnes Geschmeide blitzet, Sie kämmt ihr gold'nes Haar."

Perhaps it was the weather, but I could think of nothing but poor Queen Mary! She had drifted into my imagination with the haar, so that I could fancy her homesick gaze across the water as she murmured, 'Adieu, ma chere France! Je ne vous verray jamais plus! could fancy her saying as in Allan Cunningham's verse:

He paused a moment, then continued slowly: 'They still hunt for him "Clavers" and Grierson o' Lag; 'tis the weird they hae to dree till the Day o' Doom for their wickedness i' pursuin' the Saints o' God. 'Have you ever seen them? I asked lightly. 'Ay, I hae, came the unexpected response, 'whiles i' the "oncome" or "haar," or by the moonlicht. 'D' ye no ken the bit ballant?

We must use some antiscorbutic; and we haven't a tin of our preserved stock left, I think." "And whar'll you find vegetables haar, mister?" "Why, there's one specially distinctive of the island and I daresay we'll not have to hunt far for it. From the accounts I've read it ought to grow quite close to the seashore." "And what's that, mister?" asked the American.

It was fine weather wi' a kind o' haar. All at once, my ship gaed six points aff her coorse, frae S. E. to E. N. E., and I jaloused that the nets had been fouled by some muckle movin' body. I gave orders to pit the wheel hard a-port, but she wouldna answer. Suddenly the strain on the nets stoppit. "I needna tell you what had happened.

We could not see Edina's famous palaces and towers because of the haar, that damp, chilling, drizzling, dripping fog or mist which the east wind summons from the sea; but we knew that they were there, shrouded in the heart of that opaque, mysterious greyness, and that before many hours our eyes would feast upon their beauty.