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You can't SING "Above wonderfully there," because it simply won't go to the tune, without damaging the singer; but it is a most clingingly exact translation of DORT OBEN WUNDERBAR fits it like a blister. Mr. Garnham's reproduction has other merits a hundred of them but it is not necessary to point them out. They will be detected. No one with a specialty can hope to have a monopoly of it.

'It's a bad job for my creditors, he said, as he threw his hand down. Ged! I started on that vyage a poor captain, and I came into port very fairly well off, and sailing in me own ship, too! What d'ye think of that?" "Wunderbar!" ejaculated the German. "And the captain?" "Brandy, and delirium tremens," the major said, between the puffs of his cigarette.

"What puzzled me," he went on musingly, "was that she went away apparently as serene and happy as when she came. The explanation of the principles of bimetallism produce, as a rule, a contrary effect." "Why, she hadn't been listening," cried Irais, "and your simple star had been making a fine goose of himself the whole evening. "Prattle, prattle, simple star, Bimetallic, wunderbar.

I was still a bit dazed. "But how did you know which road to take? And when " "Wunderbar, nicht wahr?" laughed Von Gerhard. "But really quite simple.

"Oh, you look just lovely, Anne," Judy assured her, with the cruel indifference of genius. "You're just lovely. I think this is the best I have done yet. Think what a picture you will make." "Think how my nose will peel," mourned Anne, forlornly. "Die schönste Jungfrau sitzet Dort oben wunderbar, Ihr goldnes Geschmeide blitzet, Sie kämmt ihr gold'nes Haar."

Billy, reddening but determined, must at once try his German too, and the waiter and Bocqueraz laughed at him even while they answered him, and agreed that the young man as a linguist was ganz wunderbar. Billy evidently liked his company; he was at his best to- night, unaffected, youthful, earnest. Susan herself felt that she had never been so happy in her life.

And on Sundays, if you are good, I may take you along the marvelous lake drives in my little red runabout, yes? Aber wunderbar, those drives are! So." Then "Milwaukee!" shrieked Max and Norah and I, together. "After New York Milwaukee!" "Laugh," said Von Gerhard, quite composedly. "I give you until to-morrow morning to stop laughing. At the end of that time it will not seem quite so amusing.

Goethe, whether he made the foregoing remark or not, at least received Loeben kindly; but he received others in the same way who were not poets at all. Eichendorff said: "Loeben. Wunderbar poetische Natur in stiller Verklärung." But Eichendorff was then only nineteen years old, and he later took this back.

As we plunged more deeply into the wood our spirits rose reaching a point where they burst into song on the part of the three men "O Welt, wie bist du wunderbar!" the lower part of which was piercingly sustained by Herr Langen, who attempted quite unsuccessfully to infuse satire into it in accordance with his "world outlook". They strode ahead and left us to trail after them hot and happy.

The plump person on the opposite seat, who had been shaking her head violently all this time here threatened to burst if not encouraged to speak. Fanny nodded to her. Whereupon the flood broke. "Wunderbar, nicht war! Ich kuss' die handt, gnadiges Fraulein." She actually did it, to Fanny's consternation. "Ich hab' ihr das gelernt, Gnadige. Selbst. Ist es nicht ganz entzuckend! Tante Fanny.