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'Time must NOT show! said Dare. 'You speak with emphasis. 'I have reason. I would give something to be sure on this point, one way or the other. Let us wait till the dance is over, and observe them more carefully. Horensagen ist halb gelogen! Hearsay is half lies. Sheet-lightnings increased in the northern sky, followed by thunder like the indistinct noise of a battle.

The silence was then broken by the noise of the negro, who laughed, and shook his body with all kinds of antics, rolling over in the snow in the excess of delight. “Well done, a gobblerbe cried, jumping up and affecting to embrace his bird; “I tell ‘em to poss-up, and you see ‘em dodge. Gib anoder shillin’, Billy, and halb anoder shot

"I gib Fannin, de carpenter, a halb dollar for a new one dat wasn't half so good as de ole one." "Well, I vow, that's considerable for an old stick, 'cause I know there wasn't no new iron work about it, for you had the old ferule left; but seeing as how I broke it, I'll split the difference with you, so there's a quarter. But why didn't you speak of it afore?"

Then Yasmini ceased dancing. Then one of the Europeans drew his watch out; and he had to show it to the other two before he could convince them that they had sat for two hours without wanting to do anything but watch and listen. "So wass!" said one of them the drunken. "Du lieber Gott schon halb zwolf!" said the second. The third man made no remark at all. He was watching Ranjoor Singh.

The expression on his face would have won a jackpot on a bob-tailed flush. But I was in position to call his bluff. His cards were on the table face up. "I merely repeated his own words in his own tongue: 'Den selben Hut haben wir gehabt. Letzes Jahr haben wir sechzehn und ein halb den Dutzen bezahlt. Das ist sehr billig. "'Hier, dake a seecar on me, said Alex, offering me a smoke.

Cramming her oil-stained overall into her haversack, she put on her leather coat and went up to the garage. The sun had disappeared. A cold wind struck the silk-clad ankles. "Come in," she said in English, lifting her head and all her mind and spirit out of the pit of the pillow. Feet came further into the room and a shivering child held a candle in her face. "Halb sechs, Fraeulein," it said.

They both examined the hat, and Alex said in German to Morris: 'Den selben Hut haben wir gehabt. Letzes Jahr haben wir sechzehn und ein halb den Dutzen bezahlt. Last year we paid sixteen and a half a dozen. "Then Alex turned to me he was a noted bluffer and said in English: 'Hefens alife! Nine tollars! Vy, I pought 'em last year for sefen and a half! "I never saw such a bold stand in my life.