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"There! it wonna urt you, my dear," he said soothingly. "Too suddint." A tricorne rose over the bulwark. An officer cast his eyes up and down the deck, swift and alert as a bird. "Anybody alife on board?" he repeated, and in the vast silence his voice came small and very shrill. He clambered over the bulwark, and came up the steep deck monkey-wise. At the foot of the mizzen he paused.

"My sweetheart, ven I vos dinks det, is der miller engaged do bromply! It is mooch better dan to a man dot vos boor and plint and grazy! So! Vell, der next day I pids dem goot-py, und from der door I say, 'I am det now; but ven I next comes pack alife, I shall dis village py! der lants, der houses all togedders. And den for yourselluffs look oudt!" "Then that's your revenge?

Louis of Tarentum, following the prompting of his adventure-loving character, left Naples at the head of three thousand horse and a considerable number of foot, and took up his post on the banks of the Voltorno, there to contest the enemy's passage; but the King of Hungary foresaw the stratagem, and while his adversary was waiting for him at Capua, he arrived at Beneventum by the mountains of Alife and Morcone, and on the same day received Neapolitan envoys: they in a magnificent display of eloquence congratulated him on his entrance, offered the keys of the town, and swore obedience to him as being the legitimate successor of Charles of Anjou.

Louis of Tarentum, following the prompting of his adventure-loving character, left Naples at the head of three thousand horse and a considerable number of foot, and took up his post on the banks of the Voltorno, there to contest the enemy's passage; but the King of Hungary foresaw the stratagem, and while his adversary was waiting for him at Capua, he arrived at Beneventum by the mountains of Alife and Morcone, and on the same day received Neapolitan envoys: they in a magnificent display of eloquence congratulated him on his entrance, offered the keys of the town, and swore obedience to him as being the legitimate successor of Charles of Anjou.

It is zee vorking of physical law in zee spiritual vorld zat perplexes me. Moses has cut zee brute in two physical fact, substance can be divided. Zee two parts are still alife, zerfore, zee life zee spirit has also been divided!" "It is indeed very strange," said Nigel, with a laugh.

"Ter say nothin' o' a Egyptian fortune teller from Popodunk, Ioway, an' a wild man from ther Quaker village. Oh! give me ther smellin' salts. I'm goin' ter hev ther histrikes," laughed Bud. "Haf you not got a echukated vooly pig und a feller vot 'eats 'em alife'?" asked Carl. "That's right, Dutchy. It's a bum show what ain't got them," laughed Bud.

He is alife ant vell, as you shall see." As he spoke a large butterfly fluttered across the scene of their festivities. With all the energy of his enthusiastic spirit and strong muscular frame the naturalist leaped up, overturned his dinner, rushed after the coveted specimen, tripped over a root, and measured his length on the ground.

A whale simply swallows you alive," put in Sam, with a grin. "Swallows me alife, hey? Not on your life he ton't!" returned Hans, and started again for the rope ladder. But Sam pulled him back and ducked him, and was in turn ducked by Fred, who went under by a shove from Dick; and then followed a regular mix-up, the water flying in all directions.

There were numerous cuts and bruises on his face from which blood was oozing, and his clothing was torn and dirty, as if it had been dragged through the mud. "Loaver! Loaver!" he shouted, still shaking his clenched fist at the entrance. "Vait a liddle, yet! I eats dern alife!" "I wish you would!" cried Jack. "Give me a bite while you are at it," Sandy cut in.

"Vot vos dot?" gasped Hans Dunnerwurst. "You don'd pelief me! Dit ten thousand dollars pet you, Ephie? Mine cootness cracious sakes alife! You vos a spordt!" "I'm a tarnal fool!" mumbled Gallup. "I know it." "Then you did make a bet, Ephraim?" said Frank, unable to repress his feeling of dismay. "Yes, I done it! I hope the whole blamed bunch will kick me!