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Such charities as brightened and warmed the Ghetto Moses usually came in for. Bread, meat and coal tickets, god-sends from the Society for Restoring the Soul, made odd days memorable. Blankets were not so easy to get as in the days of poor Gittel's confinements.

Only last night an order arrived from " "I know. Madagascar. You're no good as a sales-man." I drew myself up. "From Honolulu, for twenty-two 'God-sends." I said icily. "Madagascar's request was for 'Duchesses." "That, over there, is a 'Wallsend, I mean 'God-send." "And I suppose you've supplied Cochin China for years." "One of our oldest clients," said I.

Don Juan then called the housekeeper, and taking the infant from her arms he placed it in those of the lady, saying, "Behold, madam, this is the present that has been made to us to-night, and it is not the first of the kind that we have received, since but few months pass wherein we do not find such God-sends hooked on to the hinges of our doors."

In spite of the small sums that came to him as veritable God-sends from the sale of his stories and from odd jobs on the Visitor and other journals, Edgar Poe was poor miserably poor. And just as he had begun to flatter himself that he did not mind, that he would bear it with the nonchalance of the true philosopher he believed he had become, it assumed the shape of horror unspeakable to him.

Like that high-spirited Irishman, Caldwell, who conducted a blockade in the Chesapeake, at the commencement of the revolution, with so much liberality, that his enemies actually sent him an invitation to a public dinner, Sir Gervaise knew how to distinguish between the combatant and the non-combatant, and heartily disdained all the money-making parts of his profession, though large sums had fallen into his hands, in this way, as pure God-sends.

Let him meet with what he will robbers, cannibals, jungle-tigers, and rattlesnakes, the more the better since we know that he will get off alive, and come to regard them so many god-sends in the way of book-making.

The most wonderful works of instinct are, in his eyes, only lucky GOD-SENDS; he reserves the name DISCOVERY I had almost said creation for the works of intelligence. Instinct is the source of passion and enthusiasm; it is intelligence which causes crime and virtue. In developing his intelligence, man makes use of not only his own observations, but also those of others.