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"Pray be reasonable," he said in his gentle voice, "if you send me away to some horrible inn or other, it will cost me being an American, more than that every week, in tips and things, so let's shake hands on it, and call it settled," and he held out his hand to her. Four pounds a week! It would be a veritable God-send just at present, while she was so hard put to it to make both ends meet.

A female prisoner, for some offence, was condemned to her cell for a week and to feed on the rations from the other part, which was held by her probably as a God-send rather than a punishment, for it gave the females the very opportunity desired for really seeing on what the men had to live.

And if you can do this, and can succeed in making this personage the Absolute Monarch of your school, whose assistant you are, then be happy, and teach school just as long as you can afford to. You are a god-send to any company of young people among whom your lot is cast. But if you are a stranger to the "Other-Fellow" yourself, don't try to introduce him to any one else.

She had a strength competent to support all her energetic, meritorious endeavors. A thoroughly well woman what an exceptional being, a god-send! It is not the fashion with maids beyond the Rhine to be ailing. Weak backs, nervous prostration, indigestion and similar indispositions were not topics at the Buchers'. To be coquettishly delicate or romantically ill is a liability to the Germans.

Thank you." Mary returned to Ravinia went on duty, as she put it to Wallace the following afternoon rather taut-drawn in her determination to have things out with Paula at once. But the mere attitude and atmosphere of the place, as before, let her down a little. Pepys to bed. It might shock Wallace Hood, a schedule like that, but there were days when to Mary it was a clear God-send.

Some looked out through dull eyes, humbled and brow-beaten and unfeeling. But all of them when they spoke to Jud Carpenter Jud Carpenter who stood in with the managers of the mill became at once the grinning, fawning framework of a human being. "Yes, boys," said Jud patronizingly as Stallings went out, "this here mill is a god-send to us po' folks who've got chillun to burn.

At first glance there was nothing striking about her appearance; but there was a subtle expression about the mouth, a twinkle about the large gray eyes behind the glasses she wore, that indicated a sense of humor which had probably been a God-send to her. She was strong and well, and carried with her an air of indomitable conviction that things worked themselves out all right in the long run.

Stealthily and quickly "honest Roger" crept away, for his conscience smote him on the instant: he felt he had done wrong; at any rate, the sovereign was not his and once the thought arose in him to run back, and put it where he found it: but it was now become too precious in his sight, that little bit of gold and they, the rioters there, could not want it, might not even miss it; and then its righteous uses it should be well spent, even if ill-got: and thus, so many mitigations crowded in to excuse, if not to applaud the action, that within a little while his warped mind had come to call the theft a god-send.

Still they're grand people, and you may ask any man in the camp, from the sergeant-major down to the newest recruit, and they will all tell you the same thing, The Y.M.C.A. is a fair God-send to us." I found out afterwards that Alec McPhail had not followed Tom's example.

"My boy here has been raving about your stories of the war until I'm fairly green with envy. Now I'm to hear a bit of them myself, he says. I wish you would tell me some of your experiences, my lad. You know a chance like this is a real god-send to us poor stay-at-homes. Now fire away! I'm ready." But John McGuire was not ready.