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Then turning quickly to Mrs. Gannon, he said, in his somewhat brusque way: "All is over here; you can therefore leave. I have a patient who demands your instant care." "But " she began. "I have come on purpose for you," he put in, authoritatively. "It is an urgent case; do not keep me waiting." "But, sir," she persisted, "it is impossible.

I hear from Gannon the trooper that you want to find Keogh. When he left the coach that time, he went back to the station and got his horses, and cleared out, and he is now hiding in Reeves's buffalo camp at the back of Port Faraway. If I hear any more will let you know. J. REDSHAW, alas 'Flash Jack. "What's all this?" said Pinnock, when Charlie and Carew brought him the letter.

At the beginning of the fight the bosses counted upon the active support of the influential Democratic leaders throughout the state, like Robert S. Hudspeth of Hudson County, Johnston Cornish of Warren County, Edward E. Grosscup of Gloucester County, Barney Gannon and Peter Daley of Middlesex County, old Doctor Barber of Warren County, Otto Wittpenn of Hudson County, Billy French and Judge Westcott of Camden, Dave Crater of Monmouth, and minor bosses or leaders in south and middle Jersey.

Mary Gannon was her stage-companion and her foil, he will add the merriest, most mischievous, most bewitching player of her time, in her peculiar line of art. As Hester, in To Marry or Not to Marry, and as Sophia, in The Road to Ruin, she was the incarnation of girlish grace and delicious ingenuousness, and also of crisp, well-flavoured mirth.

Whittaker feared their death, they were forcibly fed and taken immediately to the jail in Washington. Of the experience Mrs. Lewis wrote: I was seized and laid on my back, where five people held me, a young colored woman leaping upon my knees, which seemed to break under the weight. Dr. Gannon then forced the tube through my lips and down my throat, I gasping and suffocating with the agony of it.

I was therefore obliged to come back alone, which I did with what speed I could; for I begrudged every moment spent away from the side of one I had so lately learned to love, and must so soon lose. Mrs. Gannon met me at the door, and with a strange look, drew me in and pointed towards the bed.

"It's Russ, and his is Laddie," and Russ pointed to his brother. By this time the cat, seeing that Zip was not going to chase her any more, had taken the arch out of her back and her tail looked like a small frankfurter sausage, and not like a big bologna one. "Well, Russ and Laddie Bunker, I'm glad to see you," said Mr. Gannon. "And so you live over at Lake Sagatook, and not here at Green Pond.

"Here it is," said the red-haired tramp lumberman, as he handed the garment to Mr. Bunker, "It's just as I got it from you. I don't wear it much now, as I have another. But you'll find no papers in the pockets." "Yes, that's the old coat I used to wear around the office," said Mr. Bunker, as he took it from. Mr. Gannon.

I am not unused to the work, and " His stare frightened me, it was so searching and so keen. "Who are you?" he asked. I told him, and Mrs. Gannon put in a word for me. I was reliable, she said, and if too much experience was not wanted, would do better than such and such a one naming certain persons, probably neighbors.

Gannon, I found my room-mate writing. "Come!" said she, in a voice so calm, my companion started and hastily looked at her face for confirmation of the fears I had expressed; "I want you both to witness my signature." With one last effort of strength she wrote her name, and then handed the pen to Mrs. Gannon, who took it without a word.