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In 1695 three volumes of these scenes were published at Amsterdam, 'chez Adrian Braakman, under the title Le Theatre Italien, ou le Recueil de toutes les Comedies et Scenes Francoises qui ont ete jouees sur le Theatre Italien par la Troupe des Comediens du Roy de l'Hotel de Bourgogne a Paris.

Francoises Athenais de Tonnay-Charente had come to Court in 1660 as a maid of honour to the Queen. Of a wit and grace to match her superb beauty, she was also of a perfervid piety, a daily communicant, a model of virtue to all maids of honour. This until the Devil tempted her. When that happened, she did not merely eat an apple; she devoured an entire orchard.

I went yesterday to the Marechal for the first time; he was in his levee room; it was the day that the officers of the Gardes francoises always dine with him.

Pinda was for a time the head-quarters of the Portuguese Mission, subject only to that of Sao Salvador; it consisted of an apartment two stories high, which caused trouble, being contrary to country custom. Par J. B. Douville, Secretaire de la Societe de Geographic de Paris pour l'annee 1832, etmembre de plusieurs Societes savantes francoises et etrangeres.

J'ai appris, d'une personne qui avoit commande plusieurs annees au fort Saint-Joseph en Galam, lequel se peut estimer distant en droite ligne de l'entree du Senega d'environ cent trent lieues francoises; que les Bambaras, qui du fond du pays amenent des esclaves noirs, comptent quarante huit journees depuis Tombut jusqu'au fort Saint-Joseph, et que la mesure commune de la journee s'evalue a environ cinq lieues, d'ou il resulte autour de deux cens quarante lieues.

Third Edition, London, 1704: containing Portraits of all the Celebrated Flibustiers, and Plans of some of their Land-Attacks. Nouveaux Voyages aux Isles Francoises de l'Amerique, par le Pere Labat, 1724, Tom. V, pp. 228-230. Webster derives it from the Dutch Vrijbuiter; but that and the corresponding German word were themselves derived.

[Footnote 9: Review ofTrois lettres françoises par quelques allemands,” Amsterdam (Berlin), 1769,