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What fitful zephyrs there might be, caused no doubt by the rapid passage to and fro on the roof above and fence-tops below of vagrant felines on Cupid's contentious battles bent, to the disturbance of the still air, soughed softly through the meshes of my hammock and gave some measure of relief, grateful enough for which I ceased the perfervid language I had been using practically since sunrise, and dozed off.

His closing words were marked with much the same perfervid rhetoric, only less objectionable because they were charged with genuine emotion: "Can gentlemen see nothing to admire, nothing to commend, in the closing scenes, when, fresh from the battlefield, the victorious general the idol of his army and the acknowledged savior of his countrymen stood before Judge Hall, and quelled the tumult and indignant murmurs of the multitude by telling him that 'the same arm which had defended the city from the ravages of a foreign enemy should protect him in the discharge of his duty? Is this the conduct of a lawless desperado, who delights in trampling upon Constitution, and law, and right?

Dickie thinking over his restless night, his fierce efforts at self-conquest, those long hours in the saddle designed for the reduction of a perfervid imagination, wrote himself down an ass indeed. And yet yet the charm of Helen's presence was great. And surely she wasn't quite herself just now, there was something wrong with her? Anybody could see that.

Ramann, in his biography, writes of the curious state of society of the Paris of this Revolutionary period: "Women were beginning to demand freedom and to experiment with the writing of perfervid romances, which questioned the very foundation principles of marriage and made a religion of Affinity." George Sand was a chief crusader against the curse of monogamy.

Hal stood watching this perfervid little man, a study in the possibilities of gesture. He drew back his shoulders and puffed out his chest, almost throwing himself backwards off the barrel-head; he was saying that the miners would be able to live like men. He crouched down and bowed his head, moaning; he was telling them what would happen if they gave up.

His grand-uncle, it appeared, had been a minister himself, and had performed the feat to which I have occasionally heard other perfervid Scots refer, and never without a kindling eye known as "coming out in the Forty-three." "That," added Robin in parenthesis, "is why my second name is Chalmers after the great Doctor. You will have heard of him?"

In the beginning as a detail of the project when it was yet a joke I had framed a humble and beseeching and perfervid petition to Congress begging the government to built the monument, as a testimony of the Great Republic's gratitude to the Father of the Human Race and as a token of her loyalty to him in this dark day of humiliation when his older children were doubting and deserting him.

We still shall have the proud consolation of saying to our consciences, and to the departed shade of our country's freedom, that the cause approved of our judgment, and adored of our hearts, in disaster, in chains, in torture, in death, we never faltered in defending." These perfervid and musical metaphors of devotion and defiance have often been quoted as Mr.

She was never bitter, even towards those whom she knew to be among her worst detractors, never spiteful. She was not faultless, not by any means, but her failings did not lie in the direction of littleness. But she always seemed bright and happy, and full of life too much so, thought more than one of her perfervid adorers, who would fain have monopolized her.

Donald sat thinking this over. He absently lifted an elbow and wiped the tiny scales from his face with his shirt sleeve. "Young woman," he said solemnly, "them things what you're saying, are they 'cross your heart, honest to goodness, so help you, truth, or are they the fruit of a perfervid imagination?" Linda shook her head vigorously.