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Armstrong was always quietly cheerful and friendly when they met in the yard or about the premises, but she neither intruded nor patronized. Jed's first impression of her, a favorable one, was strengthened daily. "I like her first-rate," he told Captain Sam. "She ain't too folksy and she ain't too standoffish.

"Well, it's a kinder poor white folksy job fer him, fooling with crap-shooting niggers and whisky soaks, but if he wants it he's got ter have it, hear me! And Miss Ca'line, some of us colored set has made up our minds that it's time fer us ter git out and dust ter help him. You see this here is a independent race and it's who gits the votes, no 'Publican er Dimocrat to it.

There she was to be sure and she had a big wad of money, which makes me think she is doing those little kids dirt, not to have them better dressed. They were not even clean and so ragged it was pathetic. They are more folksy than she is, too. Something about their accent made me feel it.

Set here and talked with me just as sociable and folksy as if she wan't wuth a cent. Asked more questions than a few, she did." "Did she?" I was not paying much attention to his remarks. My mind was busy with more important things. I was wondering what Davis was doing just then. Phin went on. "Yup. I happened to remember that you wan't at the bank to-day and I asked her if she knew the reason why.

It's only their clothes makes 'em look it, and as for that Molly, they call her, that's rid off on Chiquita, she's just as plain and folksy as get out! So's the red-headed one with the high-falutin' name, out of that song Pa sings about the 'blue Juniata' and 'bright Alfaretta, or some such trash. Them boys Well, they hain't took no notice o' me yet but I can show 'em a thing or two.

Horatio, he's more like his father. He's only 15 and ought to be in school, but it seems he spends most of his time loafin' at home. They're a folksy fam'ly, I judge; the kind that can sit around and chat about nothing at all for hours at a time. Why, even the short while I was there, discoverin' how near they was to bein' put out on the street, they seemed to be havin' a whale of a time.

Who owns it?" "Bunga which? Oh, that cottage over on t'other side the crick? That b'longs to a couple of paintin' fellers from up Boston way. Not house painters, you understand, but fellers that put in their time paintin' pictures of the water and the beach and the like of that. Seems a pretty silly job for grown-up men, but they're real pleasant and folksy.

First thing, I knew he was smilin' folksy straight at me, and liftin' one hand hesitatin', as if he wanted to give me the hail. "Well, old scout?" says I, haltin' on the first step. "Excuse me, Neighbor," says he, drawlin' it out deep and soft, "but be yo' goin' in thayah?" "I don't say it boastin'," says I, "but that was the intention."

Garvey ain't so enthusiastic. She warms up about as much as a cold storage turkey. You can't feaze Vee, though, when she starts in to be folksy. "I'm just so sorry we've been so long getting over," says she. "And we came near not coming in this time. Didn't we hear music a moment ago. You're not having a dance or or anything, are you?" The Garveys look at each other sort of foolish for a second.

Come!" "Isn't he brutal?" laughs Joey, pattin' him folksy on the cheek. So I take it there's been something doin' in the solitaire and wilt-thou line. Some cross-mated pair they'll make; but I ain't so sure it won't be a good match. Anyway, when he gets her as a side partner, Sukey needn't do any more worryin' about bears. As Mr.