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"Go to Boston, indeed! you'd starve to death on a doorstep, all four of you, I can see you now, laid out like a row of assorted pins, for all the world. Humph! Boston, indeed!" with bridling earnestness. "Besides, what business has that Glendwing, or whatever his high-falutin name may be, to mix himself up with our affairs?

We would have craved your hospitality had you been here, but as it was, our hunger overcame us: we have not eaten for many hours. But I am Roldan Castanada of the Rancho de los Palos Verdes, senor, and I beg that you will one day let me repay your hospitality in the house of my fathers." "Holy smoke!" exclaimed the man, "all that high-falutin' lingo for a potful of squirril.

All this nonsense of high-falutin' morality must be swept aside; if he loved her still, he must admit that he loved her; it must be love or hate, but no more sham and pretense, no more of these half measures that made her a wife when people were looking, and an enemy, a culprit in disgrace, or a sexless business associate, when they two were alone behind drawn blinds. "Mav, you're shaming me.

Leave it outside thar, miss. I wouldn't have toted it in, anyhow, if some of those high-falutin' fellows hadn't allowed, the other night, ez it were the reg'lar thing to do; as if, miss, any gentleman kalkilated to ever put on his hat in the house afore a lady!" But Christie had already possessed herself of the unlucky object, and had placed it upon the table.

His wife, a gray-haired, sharp-featured woman, appeared to me much younger than he. I explained my errand. "For mercy sake," the woman said, "here you are starting a post office and I thought you was one of them high-falutin' city homesteaders a rec-connoiterin' around. Listen to that, Pa, a post office in four miles of us." The woman put out a clean cup and plate. "Set up," she said.

Welles started to speak, found no words, and waved an arm as if to imply that he understood perfectly. This made Neale laugh a little, and gave him a picture of the helplessness of a newcomer to Ashley, before the flood-tide of Mr. Bayweather's local learning. He went on, "He sort of taints an honest idea, doesn't he, by his high-falutin' way of going on about it?"

Ferrers," returned Nott, simply. Renshaw sank into his seat again. But the expression of relief which here passed swiftly over his face gave way to one of uneasy interest as Nott went on. "P'r'aps it's a little high-falutin' talkin' of Rosey ez a treasure. But, considerin', Mr.

I have a few opinions, and I am always ready to receive impressions; but, besides some schoolboy facts that are common property, the only thing I know I am certain of is, as some man says, 'Life's a dream worth dreaming." "You're too high-falutin for me, Julius," said Embro, shaking his head.

"Waal, sir," said Ephraim Taft, a wholesale dealer in maple-sugar and flavored lozenges, "you kin talk 'bout your new-fashioned dishes an' high-falutin vittles; but, when you come right down to it, there ain't no better eatin' than a dish o' baked pork 'n' beans." "That's so, b'gosh!" chorused the others. "The truth o' the matter is," continued Mr.

That comes from his hangin' round that saw-mill in the woods, and listenin' to Bradley's high-falutin' talk about rocks and strata and sich." "But Bradley don't go a cent on minin', Pop," said Minty. "He sez the woods is good enough for him; and there's millions to be made when the railroad comes along, and timber's wanted."