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After baiting their steeds, they proceeded to Fawley by the silent guide of a finger-post, gained the vicinity of the park, and Cutts, dismounting, flitted across the turf, and plunged himself into the hollows of the unfinished mansion while Jasper took charge of the horses in a corner of the wooded lane.

Do you mind my saying that I have guessed what never once occurred to me before our marriage that you were in love, and are in love, with Jude Fawley!" "You may go on guessing that I am, since you have begun. But do you suppose that if I had been I should have asked you to let me go and live with him?"

But it's going to stop, Britten, and stop to-night. She's waiting for this car over at Fawley Hill, which isn't half a mile from this very door." He came a step nearer and thrust the ten-pound note under my very nose. "It's Lord Hailsham's place straight up the hill to the right and on to the high road from Bishop's Stortford.

Vyvyan from his easy-chair. "Ask her ten years hence," said the Colonel, as he retreated to the door. "The fairest leaves in the flower are the last that the bud will disclose." From Mr. Vyvyan the Colonel went to Lord -'s. His lordship had also heard from Darrell that morning; Darrell declined the invitation to Hall; business at Fawley.

Fawley Manor-House, August 11, 18 . I HAVE decided, my dear Alban. I did not take three days to do so, though the third day may be just over ere you learn my decision. I shall never marry again: I abandon that last dream of declining years.

"I was afraid afterwards that you might have met with any mishap?" "Oh how stupid this is! I thought my visitor was your friend your husband Mrs. Fawley, as I suppose you call yourself?" said Arabella, flinging her head back upon the pillows with a disappointed toss, and ceasing to retain the dimple she had just taken the trouble to produce. "Indeed I don't," said Sue.

"I don't remember it," said Jude doggedly. "There's only one woman but I won't mention her in this Capharnaum!" Arabella looked towards her father. "Now, Mr. Fawley be honourable," said Donn. "You and my daughter have been living here together these three or four days, quite on the understanding that you were going to marry her.

Lord Fawley gasped as the virago swaggered towards his companions, and young Ingrow popped his handkerchief into his mouth and bit at it while he stared with eyes of nursery wonder at the dame. Radlett winked as if dazzled by the whimsical apparition, and Sir Rufus, familiar with Mrs. Satchell and her vagaries, was the only member of his party who kept his countenance unchanged on her entrance.

Norton, the apothecary, by whom the contents were removed for subsequent examination, the result of which will in due course appear. Meanwhile, Mary's uncle, the Rev. Mr. Stevens, of Fawley, having heard of his brother-in-law's illness, arrived on Friday, the 9th. To him Susan communicated the suspicious circumstances already mentioned, and he advised her to tell her master what she knew.

He wrote briefly, entreating Darrell to forgive him if he persisted in the prayer to be received at Fawley, stating that his desire for a personal interview was now suddenly become special and urgent; that it not only concerned himself, but affected his benefactor.