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Fitzgerald a well-known virago in the regiment while Fitz. enjoyed himself; and a third party, pretending to sympathise with the doctor, suggested that a hundred pounds would be the least he could possibly be offered for such services as his on so grave an occasion. "No, no, only fifty," said Fitz. gravely. "Fifty!

That a diffident man, with a taste for playing on the flute, should be captured by a virago, is not so remarkable, that is his natural weakness; but it is also true that the worthiest man often chooses indifferently. This thing they call matrimony is in fact like diving for pearls: you bring up the oyster, but what it contains does not appear until afterward.

His atrocious crime being now fully ascertained, this virago gave a loose to her resentment, which became so loud and tempestuous, that her informer shuddered at the storm she had raised, and began to repent of having communicated the intelligence which seemed to have such a violent effect upon hex brain.

"You are a regular virago, are you not, my dear woman?" he said. "Quite refreshing to hear your defense of a woman on whom I have spent every shilling I had. Now, do not get excited cool down a bit, and we will talk it over and while we are at it, please make me a cup of tea. It is about my hour.

None of your impudence to me. your eyes, what do you mean by telling me that? You know what you ha' done, and now you are going to the Salvation Army. I'll let them know you, you dirty rascal." The man shifted his pipe. "What's the matter?" "Matter!" screamed the virago hoarsely." yer life, don't you know what's the matter? I'll matter ye, you hound. By God! I will, as sure as I'm alive.

It was, at any rate, certain now that the man had put himself out of Nora's reach, and if he chose to marry a republican virago, with a red nose, it could now make no difference to Nora. Lady Rowley almost felt a touch of satisfaction in reflecting on the future misery of his married life.

She was once a free one at joking with, and rallying the young men about; but now how like a virago she looked! and her tongue was sharp as a two-edged sword. Ezra was sorry that he had taken the trouble to ascertain in the village where Nancy Elkins lived. Poor fellow!

This brought out a bit of virago through her induced blondness, but all the same it italicized her, just as the crescent of black court plaster exclaimed at the whiteness of her back. She could spend an entire morning fluffing at these things, pressing out, with a baby electric iron and a sleeve board, a crumple of chiffon to new sheerness, getting at spots with cleaning fluid.

And so the vile, vixenish virago wished the cat was dead. And when slender, slim, slippery Sly Slick, Esq., tried to persuade the widow to swindle her neighbor, the cat mewed furiously. And so it came that Mr. Slick did not like the wee widow's wonderful cat. In fact, he said it was a nuisance.

The great door was also doubtless strongly barricaded, since it still withstood an assault with axes and hammers that was in progress. "They shoot no more; they have no more bullets," shrieked a virago in the crowd. "Burn them out, the filthy zhits." Others took up the cry. "Burn them out; what folly to batter the door! Bring straw and wood; burn them out!"