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We did not speak for a long time after he had ended, but his confidence had touched me so nearly that I felt I owed him my heart in exchange, and it was hard not to cry out: "And now I love Calypso. Once more the far-wandered man has found the great light on a lonely shore."

Likewise he arranged the taking over of Billy Rawlins' mail contract, and made his preparations for the start. He despatched a messenger to rout out Kama, his dog-driver a Tananaw Indian, far-wandered from his tribal home in the service of the invading whites.

It is the dearest wish of his heart to carry to these heathen souls the saving grace of Christianity, and for the accomplishment of this good purpose he makes many journeys into the mountains; ministering in the chapels which his zeal has founded in the Indian towns, and striving earnestly by his preaching of God's word to bring these far-wandered sheep into the Christian fold.

We, when we fall into pleasant places, rest and dream our strength away. Before every enterprise and adventure of the soul we calculate in fear our power to do. But remember, "Oh, disciple, in thy work for thy brother thou hast many allies; in the winds, in the air, in all the voices of the silent shore." These are the far-wandered powers of our own nature, and they turn again home at our need.

But, most of the day, I must regard myself as a prisoner, with the entire freedom of his study a large airy room on the second floor, well furnished with all manner of books, old prints, strange fishes in glass cases, rods, guns, pipe-racks, curiosities of every kind from various parts of the world India, the South Seas, Australia, not forgetting London and Paris and all the flotsam and jetsam of a far-wandered man, who as the "King" remarked, introducing their autobiographic display with a comprehensive wave of his hand had, like that other wanderer unbeloved of all schoolboys, the pious Æneas, been so much tossed about on land and sea vi superum, sævæ memorem Junonis ob iram that he might found his city and bring safe his household gods from Latium.