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But, most of the day, I must regard myself as a prisoner, with the entire freedom of his study a large airy room on the second floor, well furnished with all manner of books, old prints, strange fishes in glass cases, rods, guns, pipe-racks, curiosities of every kind from various parts of the world India, the South Seas, Australia, not forgetting London and Paris and all the flotsam and jetsam of a far-wandered man, who as the "King" remarked, introducing their autobiographic display with a comprehensive wave of his hand had, like that other wanderer unbeloved of all schoolboys, the pious Æneas, been so much tossed about on land and sea vi superum, sævæ memorem Junonis ob iram that he might found his city and bring safe his household gods from Latium.

The light was bad, for the two windows were partially shuttered, but it had plainly been a smoking-room, for there were pipe-racks by the hearth, and on the walls a number of old school and college photographs, a couple of oars with emblazoned names, and a variety of stags' and roebucks' heads. There was no fire in the grate, but a small oil-stove burned inside the fender.

Herr Paul said, puffing out his lips: "Now we know each other!" and, brushing up the ends of his moustaches, he carried off Harz into another room, decorated with pipe-racks, prints of dancing-girls, spittoons, easy-chairs well-seasoned by cigar smoke, French novels, and newspapers. The household at Villa Rubein was indeed of a mixed and curious nature.