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But I must dress to go to Dr. Hope's, who makes chère exquise, and does not understand being kept late. July 5. Saturday, corrected proofs and wrought hard. Went out to dinner at Oxenfoord Castle, and returned in the company of Lord Alloway, Chief Baron, Clerk, etc., and Mr. Bouverie, the English Commissioner. July 6. A day of hard work. The second volume is now well advanced wellnigh one half.

Just before she came out of her bedroom, Marie, with a sort of reluctant admiration, had exclaimed, "Madame est exquise ce soir!" She wondered if it were true, and as the voices without grew softer for a moment, more distant, she went to stand again before a mirror, and to ask herself that question.

It is the hour of your apéritive, l'heure exquise, when you take your departure, and out on the noisy Rokindam, not far from the Central railway station, you rub your eyes and then note that the very chaos you resented in the canvases of the Futurists is in the streets which are being repaved.

I was unable to see him, and put him off till to-morrow morning at breakfast. June 30. The new King was proclaimed, and the College of Justice took the oaths. I assisted Mr. Daveis, who is a pleasant and well-informed man, to see the ceremony, which, probably, he would hardly witness in his own country. A day of noise and bustle. We dined at Mr. and Mrs. Strange, chère exquise I suppose.

Her mother revealed annoyance by compressing her lips. Falcroft said nothing. They had skirted the pool in single file, for the path was narrow and the denseness of the trees caused a partial obscurity. When they reached the wall, the moon was rising in the eastern sky. "L'heure exquise," murmured Madame Mineur.

"PETITE CHERIE, Aujourd'hui je vais me donner le plaisir de m'entretenir longuement avec toi. Combien je prefererais te parler de vive voix. Je suppose que je suis tres bien ici; c'est-a-dire j'ai tout ce que j'aime materiellement: le bon air, la belle nature, un petit appartement d'une propriete vraiment exquise, une belle riviere tout a cote, et des canots a ma disposition.

Somewhere close by, but unseen, a young man is whistling at his work; and, putting your ear to the ground, you shall hear how the earth beneath is alive with a million little beating hearts. C'est l'heure exquise. Presently along the road comes slowly, and at times erratically, a charming procession. Following the fashion, or even setting it, three weeks since yon old sow budded.

The initials "C. G." were marked in delicate embroidery on all the garments. Next came a lot of gentleman's handkerchiefs marked in the same way, and with them half a dozen thread cambric, lace-bordered handkerchiefs, evidently intended for a lady's use, and without mark. The next thing was a dress-suit, in which we took very little interest: then a yellow sheet of paper that we seized eagerly. We hoped it was a letter, but it was a poem without date or signature, written in French: Qu'elle est belle la marquise! Que sa toilette est exquise! Gants glacées

The angle of her hat, the provocation of her veil these things would have quickened the pulse of a Patagonian. Perfume pervaded the room. He gave the classic response that nothing could render trite: "Tu es exquise." She raised her veil just above her mouth....

She pulled her nightdress open considerably more than the average evening dress is cut away and put two or three of the blooms on her white bosom, putting her head on one side to see the result. "Oui," she exclaimed, "je suis exquise! To-night I 'ave so many boys I do not know what to do! But I forget: I cannot go. Je suis malade, très malade. You knew? You are angry with me is it not so?"