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The mounted men were not common policemen, but knights with spurs and plume whose smooth and splendid armour glittered like diamond rather than steel. Only in one place at the corner of Bouverie Street did there appear to be a moment's confusion, and that was due to hurry rather than resistance.

Bouverie, and saying a great deal about 'Lizzie, telling how Lizzie said that one little girl was good and another was naughty, that Lizzie said she should soon begin to teach her French; Lizzie taught her all her lessons, Mamma only heard her music; Lizzie had shewn her where to look in her Consecration-book, so that she should not be puzzled at Church to-day; Lizzie said she had behaved very well, and that she should tell Papa so; she had a red ribbon with a medal with Winchester Cathedral upon it, which Lizzie let her wear to shew Papa and Mamma when she was good at her lessons; she hoped she should wear it to-day, though she had not done any lessons, for Lizzie said it was a joyful day, like a Sunday.

Although credulous, diffuse, and confused, these works have preserved many interesting and curious matters which would otherwise have been lost. Scholar and theologian, b. at Pusey, Berks, ed. at Eton and Oxf., belonged to the family of Lord Folkstone, whose name was Bouverie, his f. assuming that of P. on inheriting certain estates.

I could take you next week if you would wait." "I can't wait. I told you I had to go to the dentist's. Do you wish me to linger on in agony for another week? And I have written to Mrs Bouverie that I will be at her `At Home' on Saturday. My appointments are, at least, as binding as yours.

And therefore I, who honour courage and sincerity wherever I find them; I, who do homage to steadfastness wherever I find it; I, Atheist, lay my small tribute of respect on the bier of this noblest of the Anglo-Catholics, Edward Bouverie Pusey."

'Yes, said Sir Edward, 'there is a tolerably strong cousinly friendship between them: Anne has a wholesome feeling of inferiority, which makes her rather proud of her cousin's preference. 'Do you not think Miss Woodbourne very like her mother? said Mrs. Bouverie. 'I knew her immediately by the resemblance.

"There was young Bouverie," the major continued, not heeding the question "what a handsome young fellow he was when he joined us at Gawulpoor! and he hadn't been in the place a week but he must needs go regular head over heels about our colonel's sister-in-law.

Perhaps the most distinguished social honor paid to Mark Twain at this time was the dinner given him by the staff of London "Punch," in the historic "Punch" editorial rooms on Bouverie Street. No other foreigner had ever been invited to that sacred board, where Thackeray had sat, and Douglas Jerrold and others of the great departed.

Hulton, Sir E. Bouverie, and others, and to consider what could be done, particularly whether Volunteer Corps could be formed. The delegates who went to Mr. Chappell seem to be amenable to the law and get-at-able. This will be done. The law officers came in and were asked as to the power of the Crown to permit the formation of Volunteer Corps. They were desired to consider the point.

Hazleby; 'my poor sister-in-law has had trouble enough with her; just like her mother, they say. 'So I was thinking, said Mrs. Bouverie, looking at Elizabeth, who was stooping down to a little shy girl, and trying to hear her whispered request. Mrs. Bouverie spoke in a tone so different from that which Mrs.