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Escher von der Luith, Aulic Councilor, Dr. This hotel was simple enough, being merely a hut such as is to be found in abundance in the Alps, and which are built by the German and Austrian Alpine Clubs. At present the old hotel is replaced by another and more comfortable building, which is rendered accessible by a railway that ascends the mountain. Mr.

Von Buch, Escher, and Studer inferred, from an examination of the mineral composition of the boulders, that those resting on the Jura, opposite the lakes of Geneva and Neufchatel, have come from the region of Mont Blanc and the Valais, as if they had followed the course of the Rhone to the lake of Geneva, and had then pursued their way uninterruptedly in a northerly direction.

This done, he had a strong tripod erected over the opening, and, seated upon a board firmly attached by ropes, he was then let down into the well, his friend Escher lying flat on the edge of the precipice, to direct the descent and listen for any warning cry. Forbes had called especial attention to it, as in his belief connected with the internal conditions of the glacier.

In this country the greatest tranquillity prevailed; the oppression of the aristocracy was felt, but not so heavily as to be insupportable. Many benefits, as, for instance, the draining of the swampy Linththal by Escher of Zurich, were, moreover, conferred upon the country.

I visited Utznach in company with M. Escher von der Linth in 1857, and during the same year examined the lignite of Durnten, many miles farther down on the right bank of the lake, in company with Professor Heer and M. Marcou. The beds there are of the same age and within a few feet of the same height above the level of the lake.

These wheels are even at this day regarded as among the most perfect hydraulic machines in Europe. About the same time they supplied the mill gearing and water-machinery for Messrs. Escher and Company's large works at Zurich, among the largest cotton manufactories on the continent.

"It will come to this," replied Hans Escher, "we must first put questions everywhere; the councils of leaders are no longer of any account; one has just as much to say as another; squire and knight, common man and captain; now, let all, for my sake, cry out at once; then at least we will be done with the matter; if we ourselves cannot strike because of discord, then let the others strike."

Father Absinthe hastened to obey; and as soon as the books were brought, M. Tabaret began turning the pages with an eager hand, like a person seeking some word in a dictionary. "Esbayron," he muttered, "Escars, Escayrac, Escher, Escodica at last we have it Escorval! Listen attentively, my boy, and you will be enlightened." This injunction was entirely unnecessary.

Theoretical considerations would lead the author to imagine that for a piston machine low pressures are preferable. In conclusion, the following table gives the efficiencies of a Girard turbine, constructed by Messrs. Escher Wyss & Co., of Zurich, and of a Schmid machine, as measured by Professor Fliegnor, in 1871: ESCHER WYSS & CO'S TURBINE. Effective Head of Water.

Similar disappointment was experienced by my friend Escher upon the great glacier of Aletsch. My failure, however, taught me to sink the next set of stakes ten or fifteen feet below the surface of the ice, instead of five; and the experiment was attended with happier results.