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By running to Escorval and harnessing the cabriolet, we might be able to reach the Croix d'Arcy before this party arrive there. Your voice, which touched Lacheneur, will touch the heart of his accomplices. We will persuade these poor, misguided men to return to their homes. Come, Abbe; come quickly!" And they departed on the run.

M. de Sairmeuse shrugged his shoulders. "And how will you procure a hundred feet of rope at this hour in Montaignac? Will you go about from shop to shop? You might as well trumpet your project at once." "I shall attempt nothing of the kind. What I cannot do the friends of the Escorval family will do." The duke was about to offer some new objection when his son interrupted him.

The prisoner's life was promised, him in exchange for the life of Lacheneur. A soldier, who chanced to be Corporal Bavois, was sent to summon Marie-Anne. And Chanlouineau waited in terrible anxiety. No one had told him what had taken place at Escorval, but he divined it by the aid of that strange prescience which so often illuminates the mind when death is near at hand.

I wished to see you once more, and to say this: Have courage, Maurice. Go away leave Escorval forget me!" "Forget you, Marie-Anne!" exclaimed the wretched young man, "forget you!" His eyes met hers, and in a husky voice he added: "Will you then forget me?" "I am a woman, Maurice " But he interrupted her: "Ah! I did not expect this," he said, despondently. "Poor fool that I was!

This modest dwelling, situated about a mile from Sairmeuse, represented the savings of ten years. He had built it in 1806, from a plan drawn by his own hand; and it was the dearest spot on earth to him. He always hastened to this retreat when his work allowed him a few days of rest. But this time he had not come to Escorval of his own free will.

"No, this shall not be, for I love Marie-Anne, and I ask you to give her to me for my wife." Maurice and Marie-Anne had loved each other for many years. As children, they had played together in the magnificent grounds surrounding the Chateau de Sairmeuse, and in the park at Escorval.

From this moment, he is at liberty to leave Poignot's farm-house and return to Escorval. He is free, he is saved, he is granted a new trial, and there can be no doubt of his acquittal.

The dark masses of foliage that he saw on the right were probably the forests of Sairmeuse. On the left, he divined rather than saw, nestling between the hills, the valley of the Oiselle and Escorval. Escorval, that lovely retreat where he had known such happiness, where he had hoped to die the calm and serene death of the just.

Educated in a Parisian lyceum, his teachers sometimes had occasion to complain of his want of application. "If your professors are not satisfied with you," said his mother, "you shall not accompany me to Escorval on the coming of your vacation, and you will not see your little friend." And this simple threat was always sufficient to make the school-boy resume his studies with redoubled diligence.

M. d'Escorval and the abbe had exerted all their eloquence to induce him to return to Paris, and complete his studies; but in vain. The necessity for concealment no longer existed, either in the case of the baron or the priest. Thanks to Martial de Sairmeuse they were now installed, the one in the presbytery, the other at Escorval, as in days gone by.