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"Sie sehn dich nicht, denn Schemen sehn sie nur." Goethe borrowed the term from a passage of Plutarch's, but he has made the idea half Platonic, half legendary. Amiel, however, seems rather to have in his mind Faust's speech in Scene vii. than the speech of Mephistopheles in Scene v: "In eurem Namen, Muetter, die ihr thront Im Graenzenlosen, ewig einsam wohnt, Und doch gesellig!

At the moment we discovered the friends, the maiden was looking pathetically to the northward, while the palm softly stirred and opened its plumes, as a bird does when his song is finished; and there is very little question but it had just been singing to her that song of which the palms are so fond, "Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam Im Norden auf kahler Höh'."

This combination of revolutionary lyrics Ça Ira and Carmagnole was chanted fervidly. Then came for the benefit of the German the stirring measures from the Scotch-German John Henry Mackay's Sturm: Das ist der Kampf, den allnächtlich Bevor das Dunkel zerrinnt, Einsam und gramvoll auskämpt Des Jahrhunderts verlorenes Kind.

I cannot help having a certain sense of gratified vanity about this, for, in spite of my critics, I am a woman still. I have earned a rest to-night, so I'll stop writing and go to bed. Nov. 16. I feel lonely to-night. I am not often lonely: perhaps my little book will comfort me. Sometimes I have said to myself that my motto was that of a star: "Einsam bin ich, nicht allein."

Then the King sang to her, and Archie began to remember where they were in the story. She came to the front of the stage, lifted her eyes for the first time, clasped her hands and began, "EINSAM IN TRUBEN TAGEN." Yes, it was exactly like buck-fever. Her face was there, toward the house now, before his eyes, and he positively could not see it.

Harmony stood alone by the tree, violin poised, smiling at the applause. Her eyes, running along the dim amphitheater, sought Peter's, and finding them dwelt there a moment. Then she began to play softly and as softly the others sang. "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht," they sang, with upturned eyes. "Alles schlaeft, einsam wacht..."

And bending over the music-book, she read in an undertone: "Wer nie sein Brod mit Thranen ass, Wer nie die kummervollen Nachte Auf seinem Bette einsam sass, Der kennt euch nicht, Ihr himmlischen Machte!" "Say yourself, Mr. Himmel, is not that beautiful and touching?" she asked, looking up again to her teacher.

While his experience was immature he was able to believe that a man ought to submit himself to rules, and that life should be governed by laws. A single hour has enlightened him. Now he is free and alone alone with his spirit. "I alone can lessen my suffering; I alone can expiate my crime. Through myself alone God speaks to me; to me alone God speaks. Ewig einsam."