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I do not believe he hurt him; but the star-fish gradually relaxed his hold, and fell slowly and helplessly on to his back; on which the dragonet looked as silly as the Sultan of Casgar's purveyor when the hunchback fell beneath his blows. Another dragonet came hastily up to see what was the matter; but prudently made off again, and left the star-fish and his neighbour as they were.

The female, or sordid dragonet, was considered by Linnaeus, and by many subsequent naturalists, as a distinct species; it is of a dingy reddish-brown, with the dorsal fin brown and the other fins white. Mr.

There is reason to suspect that many tropical fishes differ sexually in colour and structure; and there are some striking cases with our British fishes. The male Callionymus lyra has been called the gemmeous dragonet "from its brilliant gem-like colours."

In Tank 34 are gurnards, fish-gentlemen, with exquisite blue fins, like peacock's feathers. No. 35 contains dragonets and star-fish. The dragonets are quaint, wide-awake little fish. I saw one snap at a big, fat, red star-fish, who was sticking to the side of a rock. Why the dragonet snapped at him I have no idea.

I waited a long time by the tank, watching for the result; but in vain. The star-fish, looking abjectly silly, lay with his white side up, without an effort to help himself. As to the dragonet, he stuck out his nose, fixed his eyes, and fell a-thinking. So I left them.

Douglas, J.W., on the sexual differences of the Hemiptera; colours of British Homoptera. Down, of birds. Draco, gular appendages of. Dragonet, Gemmeous. Dragon-flies, caudal appendages of male; relative size of the sexes of; difference in the sexes of; want of pugnacity by the male. Drake, breeding plumage of the. Dreams, possible source of the belief in spiritual agencies.

Yarrel, W., on the habits of the Cyprinidae; on Raia clavata; on the characters of the male salmon during the breeding season; on the characters of the rays; on the gemmeous dragonet; on colours of salmon; on the spawning of the salmon; on the incubation of the Lophobranchii; on rivalry in song-birds; on the trachea of the swan; on the moulting of the Anatidae; on the young of the waders.