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A species is also found on the porpoise; an interesting fact, as this is the only insect we know of that lives parasitically on any marine animal. The antennæ of the females are of the ordinary form. This hand-like structure, is, so far as we know, without a parallel among insects, the antennæ of the Hemiptera being almost uniformly filiform, and from two to nine-jointed.

In its form the louse closely resembles the bed-bug, and the two groups of lice, the Pediculi and Mallophaga, should be considered as families of Hemiptera, though degraded and at the base of the hemipterous series. The resemblance is carried out in the form of the egg, the mode of growth of the embryo, and the metamorphosis of the insect after leaving its egg.

Macgillivray during the voyage of the Rattlesnake, the following have been selected for illustration; references to and descriptions of some of the Diptera, Homoptera, and Hemiptera, collected by him, have appeared in the Catalogues of the British Museum drawn up hy Messrs. Walker and Dallas, while the names and descriptions of others will appear in catalogues in preparation.

I regret that I did not preserve specimens, but I have reason to think that they are the larvæ of the Flata limbata, or of some other closely allied species , though I have not seen in Ceylon any of the wax produced by the flata. HEMIPTERA. Bugs.

In the order Hemiptera, or the true "bugs" in an entomological sense, we find a few forms that may carry disease.

Grasshoppers and other Orthoptera were rare, as were Hemiptera; Tipula was the common dipterous insect, with a small sand-fly: there were neither leeches, mosquitos, ticks, nor midges. Pigeons, red-legged crows, and hawks were the common birds; with a few waders in the marshes.

Before considering the changes from the mandibulate form of insects to those with mouth parts adapted for piercing and sucking, we must endeavor to learn how far it was possible for the caterpillar or maggot to become evolved from the Leptus-like larvæ of the Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera and most Coleoptera.

But while the vibrating wing-cases of this deceptive masquerader are made to look as thin and hornet-like as possible, in all underlying points of structure any competent naturalist would see at once that the creature must really be classed among the noisome Hemiptera.

Stretch, Mr., on the numerical proportion in the sexes of chickens. Stridulation, by males of Theridion; of Hemiptera; of the Orthoptera and Homoptera discussed; of beetles. Stripes, retained throughout groups of birds; disappearance of, in adult mammals. Strix flammea. Structure, existence of unserviceable modifications of. Struggle for existence, in man.

Diversified structures possessed by the males for seizing the females Differences between the sexes, of which the meaning is not understood Difference in size between the sexes Thysanura Diptera Hemiptera Homoptera, musical powers possessed by the males alone Orthoptera, musical instruments of the males, much diversified in structure; pugnacity; colours Neuroptera, sexual differences in colour Hymenoptera, pugnacity and odours Coleoptera, colours; furnished with great horns, apparently as an ornament; battles, stridulating organs generally common to both sexes.