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Madame Desjardins, mortally offended with M. Dorinet on the score of Rosalie's legs, also prepared to be gone; while M. Philomène, convicted of hair-dye and brouillé for ever with "the most disagreeable girl in Paris," hastened to make his adieux as brief as possible. "A word in your ear, mon cher Dorinet," whispered he, catching the little dancing-master by the button-hole.

And now, the stage being cleared, the audience placed, and Monsieur Dorinet provided with a volume of Corneille, Mademoiselle Honoria proceeded to drape herself in an old red shawl belonging to Madame Marotte. The scene selected is the fifth of the fourth act of Horace, where Camille, meeting her only surviving brother, upbraids him with the death of Curiace.

Having despatched the venerable Coligny much to her own satisfaction and apparently to the satisfaction of her hearers, Mdlle. Honoria returned to private life; Messieurs Philomène and Dorinet removed the footlights; the audience once more dispersed itself about the room; and Madame Marotte welcomed the new-comer as Monsieur Lenoir.

M. PHILOMÈNE to MADAME DE MONTPARNASSE. I have the four corners of my Aunt's Flower Garden, etc., etc. MADAME DE MONTPARNASSE to M. DORINET. I have the four corners of my Aunt's Flower Garden, etc., etc. Monsieur Dorinet repeats the formula to Madame Desjardins; Madame Desjardins passes it on to me; I proclaim it at the top of my voice to Madame Marotte; Madame Marotte transfers it to Mdlle.

Mam'selle Honoria, as Camille, with clasped hands and tragic expression, stalks in a slow and stately manner towards the footlights. M. Dorinet, who should begin by vaunting his victory over the Curiatii, stops to put on his glasses, finds it difficult to read with all the candles on the ground, and mutters something about the smallness of the type. Mdlle.

Monsieur Dorinet, are you not tired of seeing La Montparnasse in that everlasting old black gown? My Rosalie says she is in mourning for her ugliness." I don't deny it; and Rosalie's mot was not bad. Monsieur, whose name I cannot pronounce, said to me: "Madame, the French, selon moi, are the best dressed and most spirituel people of Europe.

Honoria went up the stage, put on her tragedy face again, and prepared once more to stalk down to the footlights. Monsieur Dorinet, in the meanwhile, had snatched up a candle, readjusted his spectacles, and found his place. "Ma soeur" he began again, holding the book close to his eyes and the candle just under his nose, and nodding vehemently with every emphasis:

But Madame Marotte's voice was lost in the confusion; for Monsieur Dorinet was already deep in the arrangement of the room, and we were all helping to move the furniture. As for Mademoiselle's last difficulty, the little dancing-master met that by offering to read whatever was necessary to carry on the scene.

"Pray don't hesitate about repeating my words, M'sieur Philomène. I am not ashamed of them." It rests with Madame to carry on the game, and to betray the confidence of Monsieur Dorinet. Madame de Montparnasse, what have I done that you should so pervert my words? Mam'selle Rosalie ma chère elève, believe me, I never.... "Silence in the circle!" shouted Müller again.

Thus applied to, the fair Marie became suddenly crimson, and had not a word to reply with. Monsieur Dorinet stared. The young ladies tittered. Madame Marotte, deaf as a post and serenely unconscious, smiled, nodded, and said "Ah, yes, yes didn't I tell you so?" "Monsieur Dorinet has, I fear, asked an indiscreet question," said Müller, boiling over with jealousy.