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I cannot bring myself to regard literature as a craft, to me it is a sacred mission; and in hearing this "sovereign" boast of the tricks by which he maintains his state, I seem to listen to a priest who treats as imposture the religion he professes to teach. M. Savarin's favourite eleve now is a young contributor to his journal, named Gustave Rameau.

The process of training a man to be a pilot aviator naturally varies in accordance with the type of machine on which he takes his first instruction, and so the methods of the various schools depend on the apparatus upon which they teach an eleve pilote as an embryonic aviator is called to fly.

759. Sur la droite ou au couchant de ces rochers, on voit une montagne calcaire étonnante dans ce genre par la hardiesse avec laquelle elle élève contre le ciel ses cimes aigues et tranchantes, taillées

He found that Eleve Schiller had said many fine things and in particular had shown much 'fire'. But the fire was too strong; it needed to be 'subdued' by another year of study.

"Keene, I am very glad to see you. I am proud that an eleve of mine should have done me so much credit. You have gained all your rank in the service by your own merit and exertions." "Not quite all, my lord," replied I. "Yes, all; for you are certain of your next step they cannot well refuse it to you." "They will not refuse your lordship, I have no doubt," replied I. "Sit down, Keene.

An elève of the gutters of New York's East-Side ghetto, dangerously half educated at the free public schools, Einstein, now nearing seventeen, joined the dashing villainy of the Bowery tough to the crafty long-headed scheming of the low-grade Israelite.

At the moment the fore-top-mast was carried away, Mr. Robb, one of the midshipmen, who was looking out at the fore-top-gallant-mast-head, fell on the forecastle without receiving any injury. This young gentleman was an elève of Captain Saumarez, continued with him to the end of that war, and embarked with him on board the Crescent in 1793.

«En arrivant au pied de l'escarpement, le premier objet qui frappe la vue, ce sont des bancs de schistes ou d'ardoises bleuâtres, mêlés de larges filons de quartz qui forment la base, et les fondemens sur lesquels est élevé ce mur de pierres calcaires. Car cette roche est élevée de même

And I am bound to say that the lassie was considerably impressed. In further conversation I told her something of your early life, and, though not over desirous of blackening my character in her bonnie eyes, I let her know what kind of an injudicious upbringing you had been compelled to undergo. 'Il a été élevé, said I, 'dans What the blazes was the French for cotton-wool?

Trop de soleil si le Causse est bas, trop de neige s'il est eleve, toujours et partout le vent, qui tord les bois chetifs, pour lac, une mare, pour riviere un ravin, de rocheuses prairies tondues par des moutons et des brebis a laine fine, des champs caillouteux d'orge, d'avoine, de pommes de terre, rarement de ble, voila les Causses!