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I tried all sorts of things too, a little bit of French you know, 'Avez-vous la plume de ma soeur? and 'Donnez-moi du pain, and things like that out of my French exercises, but it didn't do any good: we only went out to sea.

Every man seized the empty plate in front of him and shoved it into his neighbour's hand; the plates moved toward the bowls, were filled amid uncouth protestations and accusations "Mettez plus que ca" "C'est pas juste, alors" "Donnez-moi encore de pommes" "Nom de Dieu, il n'y a pas assez" "Cochon, qu'est-ce qu'il veut?" "Shut up" "Gott-ver-dummer" and returned one by one.

"Quel ennui d'ecrire quelquechose que l'on ne comprend pas!" Some of those behind laughed: a degree of confusion began to pervade the class; it was necessary to take prompt measures. "Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.

"Oh, give to me my gui-l'annee, I pray you, Monseigneur; The king's princess doth ride to-day, And I ride forth with her. Oh! I will ride the maid beside Till we come to the sea, Till my good ship receive my bride, And she sail far with me. Oh, donnez-moi ma gui-l'annee, Monseigneur, je vous prie!"

"Must have another tumbler of wine before I can grapple with these chaps," said he, eyeing them, and looking into Madame de Genlis's book: "'Garsoon, donnez-moi un verre de vin," holding up the book and pointing to the sentence. He again set to and "went a good one" at both mutton and snipes, but on pulling up he appeared somewhat exhausted. He had not got through it all yet, however.

There were surgeons and ambulances there seemed to be a table of planks on which the worst cases were laid the sufferers had help, of course, a little help. A Creole from Bayou Teche lay writhing, shot through the stomach, beneath a pine. He was raving. "Melanie, Melanie, donnez-moi de l'eau! Melanie, Melanie! donnez-moi de l'eau!"

It cured all our headaches, and we worked twice as well, both at midday work and at getting lessons ready for next day after dinner. I know " "Tais-toi, Lucy!" hissed Peony through her teeth. "Madame!" "Donnez-moi cette grammaire, Marguerite, s'il vous plait," said Lucy, as Madame entered.

J'ai vendu mon hotel de Paris et n'ai pas encore pu y reconstituer d'etablissement. Des que vous pourrez, donnez-moi votre adresse de Paris, et indiquez-moi quels jours vous serez libre, afin que je puisse en choisir un et vous demander de venir a Chantilly. Dites-moi aussi quels jours il vous serait agreable d'avoir ma loge aux Francais. J'espere bien avoir lu 'Endymion' d'ici la.

Donnez-moi un bock," he said impatiently, obsessed by his new idea. "Tell me, Monsieur Cruchot, you who have used the Cure Sypher. It is well known in the French army is it not? You had it served out from the regimental medical stores?" "Ah, no, Monsieur. It is my mother who rubbed it on my heels." Sypher's face expressed disappointment, but he cheered up again immediately. "Never mind.

I had never seen him pray before, or make that pious sign; he did it so simply, with such child-like faith, I could not help smiling pleasurably as I watched; his eyes met my smile; he just stretched out his kind hand, saying, "Donnez-moi la main! I see we worship the same God, in the same spirit, though by different rites."