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"You are a pretty little doll-faced thing, and I expect I'll have to forgive your very reprehensible behaviour." "I'm NOT a doll-face," said Patty, pouting; "I shan't let you go until you take THAT back." As Patty had her arms tightly round her father's neck, he considered it the better part of valour to take back his words. "All right," he said, "rather than be garroted, I retract!

"That stuck-up doll-face," was the way the girls of the neighbourhood described her; and though she earned their enmity by her beauty and aloofness, she none the less commanded their respect.

Old Jim's face grew livid with rage, and he clenched his hand with an oath, but hearing some of the boarders coming in to breakfast in the next room, he only hissed, with a terrible leer: "Never mind, even if you are my child, with that doll-face o' yourn, you might rope in that rich young feller for a few thousands."

Daisy had truly appreciated Patty's generosity in the matter of the note but she couldn't gracefully submit to having her own brunette beauty eclipsed by what she called a doll-face. Patty's weariness was purely muscular, and so of short duration, and after ten minutes' rest, she was feeling as fresh as ever.

"But they don't go with my silly doll-face!" she cried. "Why, they don't! They don't! They go with the Senior Surgeon's scowling Heidelberg eyes! They go with the Senior Surgeon's grim gray jaw! They go with the ! Oh! what shall I do? What shall I do?"

Hans spoke of a girl called Tekla." "Tekla? Ah, yes; Hans was in love with that doll-face." "Doll-face or not, Hans evidently loved her. She jilted him, and he did not care then what happened. His one desire was to leave Dreiberg. And this Gipsy brought the means and the opportunity." "Not Jugendheit?" "Who knows? Hans followed the band of Gipsies into the mountains.

"I've got something to say and I don't know but what to-night is as good a time as any. Neither of us are likely to sleep much." Barbara did not answer. "I hated your mother," said Miriam, passionately. "I always hated her." "I guessed that," answered Barbara, with a sigh. "Your father was in love with me when she came from school, with her doll-face and pretty ways. She took him away from me.

Fraulein Marie catches it at the eighth time; and if she is sometimes a quarter of a note lower than the piano-forte, after all it is very tolerable, considering her pretty little doll-face, and very passable rosy-lips. "After the duet, a universal chorus of applause! And now arriettas and duettinos succeed each other, and right merrily I hammer away at the thousand-times-repeated accompaniment.

Guff!" protested the thin streak of lavender in a rasping little lavender voice. "Mrs. Follison, though not a doll-face indeed, far from it is of most aristocratic bearing." "I suppose that person in the booth, then, is the adopted actress," guessed Mrs. Guff. "Any one can tell that's beauty and movement of the professional type."

And indeed there were moments when she seemed nothing more than a doll; when the oval face, with its long-lashed, pale blue eyes, expressed nothing; when it was no more than a lazy mask of wax. She was Henry Wimbush's own niece; that bowler-like countenance was one of the Wimbush heirlooms; it ran in the family, appearing in its female members as a blank doll-face.