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"Paris is full of them just now," continued Carmichael. "Paris? Would you like a riot in the gardens?" asked the colonel, amused. "A riot?" said Carmichael derisively. "Why, nothing short of a bombshell would cause a riot among your phlegmatic Germans." "I believe you love your Paris better than your Dreiberg." "Not a bit of doubt. And down in your heart you do, too.

He looked up heavenward, where the three bergs shouldered the dazzling snow into the blue. This impressed him more than all else; that little wrinkle in the middle berg's ice had been there when he was a boy. Nothing had changed in Dreiberg save the König Strasse, whose cobbles had been replaced by smooth blocks of wood. At times he sent swift but uncertain glances toward the palaces.

True, he added that he desired to be transferred to a seaport town, France or Italy preferred. The high altitude in Dreiberg had affected his heart. However, in case there was no other available post, they would kindly appoint his successor at once.

"What is your business?" "I am a vintner by trade, Herr." "And are there not plenty of vineyards in Bavaria?" "We vintners," with an easy gesture, "are of a roving disposition. I have been all along the Rhine and the Moselle. I prefer grapes to hops." "But why Dreiberg? The best vineyards are south." "Who can say where we shall go next?

And the mask fell from the regent's face, leaving it bitter and careworn. "Our presence is known in Dreiberg; it has been known for three days at least. And in coming up here I had another errand. Oh, I haven't forgotten it. In the street there are at least ten soldiers under the sub-chief of the police; rather a curious conjunction." The king turned white. So it had come at last!

"But I found a good hand later." "Kings." "Four?" "Oh, no; only one. I haven't drawn yet." "You are not telling me all." "No. You are going to the ball to-night?" "I would not miss it for five thousand crowns," sadly. "You look as if you were going to a funeral instead of the greatest event of the year in Dreiberg." "I didn't sleep well either." "Out?"

There were soldiers, non-commissioned officers for the fall maneuvers brought many to Dreiberg farmers and their families, and the men of the locality who made the Black Eagle a kind of socialist club.

What the devil is my army for if not to uphold my dignity? Herbeck, you shall not argue me out of this." "Rather let me reason. This is some prank, which I am sure does not concern Ehrenstein in the least. They would never dare enter Dreiberg for aught else. There must be a flaw in our secret service." "Doubtless." "I have seen this writing before," said Herbeck.

"He is Leopold Dietrich, a vintner, and we are soon to be married." There was a flaw in the usual sweetness of her voice. "So? What made him run away like this?" "He is new to Dreiberg. Perhaps he thought you were going to arrest every one. Oh, he has done nothing wrong; I am sure of that." "There is one way to prove it." "And what is that?" "Ask him if he is not a spy from Jugendheit," roughly.

Considerable activity was manifest in the police bureau the rest of that day. To return to Carmichael. He had never before concerned himself with resignations. Up to this hour he had never resigned anything he had set his heart upon. So it was not an easy matter for him to compose a letter to the secretary of state, resigning the post at Dreiberg.