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The Tano had informed the woman that Cayamo belonged to the clan of the Sun. In return she communicated that the Water people were her kindred. What the Queres called Tzitz hanutsh the Tehuas named P'ho doa, and the members of the clan P'ho were therefore officially requested to take their new sister in charge.

She could hardly keep her temper as she said: "Is Miss Conolly seriously hurt?" "Oa, blessed hour! she's kilt. Her head's dhreepin wid blood." Marian shuddered and felt faint again. "Lord Almighty save use, I doa knoa how she done it at all, at all. She must ha fell agin the stoave. It's the dhrink, dhrink, dhrink, that brought her to it.

Some of the old men of the cluster came over to the dwellings of the Turquoise clan, where the wife of Teanyi lived. In their company came several women, who escorted Shotaye to her new quarters. On the way to the caves of P'ho doa one of the women lightly touched Shotaye's breast, then her own, and whispered, "Oyike P'ho." It was her name, and Shotaye communicated her own in reply.

One by one the others followed, the second medicine-man, the other chief officials, finally the delegates of the clans. Every one grasped their hands and went through the same ceremonies. The council was ended, and to every one's satisfaction. Last came the old interpreter, and greeted them, saying, "I am Chang Doa, what you call Mokatsh hanutsh, 'panther clan. Where do you belong?"

"Wondyful!" cried Lady Sunderbund. "Tell me, Lady Sunderbund," said the bishop, "are you going to alter the outer appearance of the old doctor's house?" And found that at last he had discovered the saving topic. "Ha'dly at all," she said. "I shall just have it pointed white and do the doa I'm not su' how I shall do the doa. Whetha I shall do the doa gold or a vehy, vehy 'itch blue."

"Tzitz hanutsh," Zashue quickly responded. The old man turned to one of the delegates. "Father," he called to him in his language, "our sons belong to your people. Will you take them with you, or shall they go to the summer cacique?" The other reflected a short while, then he replied, "The summer cacique is busy; let the brethren come with me. I will lead them to the homes of P'ho Doa."

I dream I go to Hebben and rap at de doa, and a gent'man came to de doa wid black coat and powda hair. Whoa dere? Peeta Coopa. Whoa Peeta Coopa? Am not know you Not knowa Peeta Coopa! Look de book, Sa. He take de book, and he look de book, and he could'na find Peeta Coopa. Den I say, Oh! lad, oh! look again, finda Peeta Coopa in a corna.