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None of us at the Tyuonyi is as strong and wise as he was." "How could the Moshome kill him, if he was such a great warrior," Okoya naïvely inquired. "See, satyumishe, he was struck from behind. In this way a Moshome may kill a bear, and so yai shruy destroys the strongest mokatsh. Sa umo had no weapons, neither bow nor arrow nor club.

Of Mokatsh hanutsh only one girl has remained alive. Of Tyame a few women, but your wife, satyumishe, is dead; your child Mitsha the Moshome have carried away, or else she hides in the timber and starves. The great house is empty, and fire comes out from its roof. Your people can have the field of Tzitz hanutsh," he added with trembling voice; "we need it no longer.

One by one the others followed, the second medicine-man, the other chief officials, finally the delegates of the clans. Every one grasped their hands and went through the same ceremonies. The council was ended, and to every one's satisfaction. Last came the old interpreter, and greeted them, saying, "I am Chang Doa, what you call Mokatsh hanutsh, 'panther clan. Where do you belong?"

"Tzitz hanutsh has nothing to do with the dead, and yet the women lament and its men think over the loss that the tribe has sustained. I tell you, Okoya, we have lost much; we are like children without their mother, like a drove of turkeys whose gobbler tiatui or mokatsh have killed. Now," his eyes flashed again and he gnashed his teeth, "now Tyope and the old Naua are uppermost.

Protect me from them. Let none of the Moshome go across this line," he drew a line in the sand with the arrow-point, "give me protection from them! Mokatsh, Tyame, Shiuana, shield my heart from the enemy." While pronouncing the latter words he drew three more lines, breathed on the fetich, placed it in the satchel again, and rose.

She was overjoyed at seeing the two become more familiar. Okoya returned to his former position, placing the vessel on the floor with tender care; and Mitsha resumed her sitting posture, only she sat much nearer the boy than before. He still examined the bowl with wonder. "Who taught you to make such nice things?" he asked at last. "An old woman from Mokatsh.