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It is only when his retina is assaulted by some splendid sunset or sky-encircling rainbow that he is able to disassociate the idea of color from that of form and substance. Even the artist is at a disadvantage in this respect, when compared with the musician.

He could not disassociate himself from her eyes their beauty, their horror, the way they had looked at him. It was as if a sudden revulsion had come over her; as if, looking down upon her bleeding handiwork, the woman's soul in her had revolted, and with that revulsion had come repentance repentance and pity.

But justly or not, it is difficult to disassociate what Venizelos wants for Greece with what he wants for Venizelos. The King is removed from any such suspicion. He is already a King, and except in continuing to be a good King, he can go no higher. How Venizelos came so prominently into the game is not without interest.

Men cannot disassociate themselves either from the past or the future. In looking at this question there is, I think, a vast difference which has not been sufficiently recognized.

"So Poppy and I just nipped in here instead of going straight back to the Colony." Poppy wriggled her body about in her clothes in an agony of desire to disassociate herself from him, from the situation. "That was good of you," said Richard. "And now" the whistling tone came back in his speech "I want to tell mother!" "You can't do that. She isn't in." "What, weren't you all out together?

Everything has been going wrong and I can't disassociate him from the unfortunate tendency." He sat where the light fell upon his face, and Millicent, studying it, was stirred to compassion, which was always ready with her. He looked harassed and nervous, as if he had borne a heavy strain, and she knew that the accident had preyed upon his mind. That, she thought, was to his credit.

This is the side of the subject that first attracted attention, has been most studied, and in regard to which there has been the greatest accumulation of evidence. So persistently has the relation of bacteria to disease been discussed and emphasized that the majority of readers are hardly able to disassociate the two.

By the examination of adult specimens the age at which the young disassociate themselves from the mother has been ascertained. Long after the time of life at which other species of rats are nibbling an independent way through the world, U. BANFIELDI clings resolutely to its parent, obtaining from her its sole sustenance.

She knew nothing until she awoke some two hours later to the haunting vision of the scene she had witnessed. And ever since it had clung to her clung like an obsession, a mental parasite sapping her nerve, her very reason. Nor had she power to disassociate herself from it. And now she was waiting in an agony of mind for the murderer's return.

She thought of all these things with a transient thrill of triumph, which was stronger even than her terror. If Sir Michael Audley lived to be a hundred years old, whatever he might learn to believe of her, however he might grow to despise her, would he ever be able to disassociate her from these attributes? No; a thousand times no.