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Raaff has now found, in the "Natal di Giove," which is in truth very little known, an aria quite appropriate to this situation. I think it is the ad libitum aria, "Bell' alme al ciel diletto" and he wishes me to write music for these words. He says, "No one knows it, and we need say nothing."

There, as in Vergil's Italy and in Browne's Devon, in Chaucer's dreamland, and in the realm of the Faery Queen, 'son forse dodici o quindici alberi di tanto strana ed eccessiva bellezza, che chiunque li vedesse, giudicherebbe che la maestra natura vi si fosse con sommo diletto studiata in formarli. The shepherds, who are assembled with their flocks, are about to seek their homes at the approach of night, when they meet Montano playing upon his pipe, and a musical contest ensues between him and Uranio.

Just receive a quatrain of the pure spring, and judge for yourself: "Chi gode goda, che pur io stento; Chi e in pace si sia, ch' io son in guerra; Chi ha diletto l' habbi, ch' io ho tormento; Chi vive lieto, in me dolor afferra." Balance is there. Vocalisation, adjustment of sound, discriminate use of long syllables and short, of subjunctive and indicative moods.

There are no two things more opposed than the childish naïveté of an ancient author and the learning of his commentator. Dilettanti, dilettanti! This is the slighting way in which those who pursue any branch of art or learning for the love and enjoyment of the thing, per il loro diletto, are spoken of by those who have taken it up for the sake of gain, attracted solely by the prospect of money.

He took the following Italian words for his text: "Tanto e il ben che aspetto, che d'ogni pena mi diletto:" which means "the good which I hope for is so great, that to obtain it all suffering is pleasurable." He proved his text by this passage from St.

O gran piccolino Jesu nostro diletto, he who had seen Thee between the ox and the little ass, breathing upon thy holy breast, would not have guessed thou were begotten of the Trinity!" But besides the ox and the ass there are the angels. He lies naked and without covering; the angels shout in the heights. And they wonder greatly that to such lowliness the Divine Verb should have stooped.

Very true; but for all that, even without looking for her, I always find her in imagination; and wherever I am, my disgrace is always present before me. "I know not what answer to make you, except to remind you of these two verses of Petrarch: "'Che qui prende diletto di far frode, Non s'ha di lamentar s'altro l'inganna.

In the recess near the window was a piano open, and evidently just abandoned by a woman; the little stool was half-overturned by catching in the dress of some one suddenly rising, and the music open was a soprano air from Puritani: "Vien diletto, in ciel e luna, Tutto tace intorno...." You will see how by inductions I reached the truth.

Cf. Ricordi, cxl.: 'Chi disse uno popolo, disse veramente uno animale pazzo, pieno ni mille errori, di mille confusioni, sanza gusto, sanza diletto, sanza stabilit