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Detur digno is a maxim which will make men do their best to merit rewards; every man can find courage within his heart to be worthy; but detur digniori is a fearful law for such a profession as the Civil Service. What worth can make a man safe against the possible greater worth which will come treading on his heels?

DON EDUARDO. Cuanto hablemos ... que yo no soy partidario de misterios ni de cosas irregulares ... lo único que solicito es ver todavía otra vez a doña Matilde ... y probarla con sólo tres palabras que yo no era enteramente indigno del tesoro que codiciaba. BRUNO. ¿Quién puede dudarlo?... y muy digno que era usted.

1 It bore the following legend: AQUI YACE EN POCA TIERRA AL QUE TODO LE TEMIA EL QUE LA PAZ Y LA GUERRA EN LA SUA MANO TENIA. OH TU QUE VAS A BUSCAR COSAS DIGNAS DE LOAR SI TU LOAS LO MAS DIGNO AQUI PARE TU CAMINO NO CURES DE MAS ANDAR. which, more or less literally may be Englished as follows: "Here in a little earth, lies one whom all did fear; one whose hands dispensed both peace and war.

Quum talos ori, tum quod sus fudit odori, Digno qui celebrat cultor honore ferat. He who has lived by the pig is chewed to death by the pig and the limbs which were called blessed have become pigs' excrement. May those who wish to honor him carry to their mouths his heels, which the pig has poured forth in stench.

This collection was made early in the Middle Ages, when it was much used for purposes of education. We append a few examples of these sayings: "Beneficium dando accipit, qui digno dedit." "Furor fit laesa saepius patientia." "Comes facundus in via pro vehiculo est." "Nimium altercando veritas amittitur." "Iniuriarum remedium est oblivio." "Malum est consilium quod mutari non potest."