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"But do not be anxious, my lord, I have lived long enough in the days of the Pharaohs to present you to the illustrious personage who inhabits this subterranean passage." Crow-bars were applied to the narrow fissure, and after a short time the stone moved and was raised. A staircase with high, steep steps, sinking into darkness, awaited the impatient travellers, who rushed down pell-mell.

The men moved first to the blacksmith shop, where several supplied themselves with axes, heavy crow-bars and sledges. "Explain to your warriors that, under no circumstances, are they to shed blood," said Mr. George Waters. While Oracus was giving this order to his braves, Mr. Waters, by the aid of a lighted pine knot, found a pair of cold chisels, which he appropriated.

One of the workmen would take a strong iron chain, and while two others would pry up the end of a log with crow-bars or levers, he would pass the chain under the end so raised, and then hook it together above. Another man would then back up a pair of oxen to the place, and sometimes two pairs, in order that they might be hooked to the chain which passed around the log.

On reaching the raised quarter-deck of the vessel, we found the crew clustered together near the mainmast, armed with hand-spikes, boat-oars, crow-bars, and a miscellaneous assortment of other weapons, and listening to an harangue which the carpenter was in the act of delivering to them. They were all intoxicated; but the carpenter, a ferocious, determined villain, was the least so.

* The king's keys are, in law phrase, the crow-bars and hammers used to force doors and locks, in execution of the king's warrant. While the mendicant spoke thus, he was busied in removing a few loose stones in one angle of the eave, which obscured the entrance of the staircase of which he had spoken, and led the way into it, followed by Lovel in passive silence.

Some of the men were vigorously slashing away at the bars with sledges and crow-bars; others were crouching with rifles levelled in the other direction! "It's Bowles!" shouted Chase eagerly. The situation at once became clear to those inside the walls.

And Arjuna's son cut off by thousands the arms of those warriors. And some of these were cased in corslets made of iguana skin and some held bows and shafts, and some held swords or shields or iron hooks and reins; and some, lances or battle axes. And some held maces or iron balls or spears and some, rapiers and crow-bars and axes.

At about one o'clock in the morning, two men went in there with their crow-bars to raise the gate so all the water could waste, and wash out the Chinamen's machinery. Slipping upon the miners engaged in their work of depredation, the marshall pulled his gun on them, and marched, them to the city lockup.

"How can you be so calm, knowing all as you do?" "I am calm for my daughter's sake. The only hope of liberating her, of saving her life, is by cool, deliberate and well matured plans." "Are your plans formed?" "Yes." "When will you act?" "On to-morrow night. Oracus will have all his warriors ready by that time, and we will require crow-bars, hammers and axes, to break in the door of the jail.

"Come and see what he has done!" he called suddenly, and Yasmini ran to his side. In a corner of the vault one of the great facing stones had been removed, disclosing a deep fissure in the rock. One of Dick Blaine's crow-bars that he had left in the tunnel lay beside it. "He must have found that by tapping," said Tom Tripe. "Yes, but look why he wanted it!" Yasmini answered.