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'Eave a'ead. Shall I 'elp you?" said the shabby man. Thus admonished, Miles, scarce knowing what he said, repeated the sergeant's words "Portsmouth third two single." "Vy, you ain't agoin' to pay for me, are you?" exclaimed the shabby man in smiling surprise. "Oh! beg pardon. I mean one," said Miles to the clerk, quickly.

'Ere yo get oonder un, Jimmy, and 'eave un oop." Jim crouched and went backward down the stair under the coffin. His flushed face, with its mournful, mystic eyes, looked out at Rowcliffe for a moment under the coffin head.

"Be damned t' ye, Dick!" panted a hoarse voice. "'Eave, man 'eave her's a-laying across the trap push, damn ye " "Aye, Tom but her's got a knife!" panted a second voice. "Don't 'e forget 'er's got a knife!" "An' what good'll her knife be once we get our 'ands on 'er 'eave, I tell ye both together now!" "Bide a bit, Tom let's 'ave a light " "Light be damned 'eave, man!"

* The king's keys are, in law phrase, the crow-bars and hammers used to force doors and locks, in execution of the king's warrant. While the mendicant spoke thus, he was busied in removing a few loose stones in one angle of the eave, which obscured the entrance of the staircase of which he had spoken, and led the way into it, followed by Lovel in passive silence.

There are many caves of the same kind in different parts of Scotland. I need only instance those of Gorton, near Rosslyn, in a scene well known to the admirers of romantic nature. The light within the eave was a dusky twilight at the entrance, which failed altogether in the inner recesses.

"Of course I began to roar for 'elp like a bull, and Rokens there, 'oo 'appened to be near, 'e let down the hend of a rope, but my 'ands was so slippy with oil I couldn't ketch 'old of it; so 'e 'auls it up agin, and lets down a rope with a 'ook at the hend, and I got 'old of this and stuck it into the waistband o' my trousers, and gave the word, `'Eave away, my 'earties; and sure enough so they did, and pulled me out in a trice.

"It ees BETTER for you arrive NOT on the ground," he said cheerfully; "but you should not once but a thousand times make trial! Ha! Go and win! Nevare die and say so! 'Eave ahead! 'Eave! There you are!" Luckily, this time I managed to lock the rowels of my long spurs under her girth, and she could not unseat me.

Wentworth Huyshe's personal appearance as any intellectual basis for an investigation of the principles which should guide the costume of a nation. I am not denying the force, or even the popularity, of the "'Eave arf a brick" school of criticism, but I acknowledge it does not interest me. The gamin in the gutter may be a necessity, but the gamin in discussion is a nuisance.

Reassured that there were none, his look swept right and left for a spot wherein to hide the thing that lay at his feet. At its base the rock wall slanted outward leaving a hollow beneath its eave where the thin veneer of water gleamed from the shadows.

He seized the cook's poll-axe, and hacked away at the bulwark. Then he put his shoulder to a carronade and shoved. "H'all together eave!" whispered the dying cook, and lent a feeble hand. Over went the carronade with spinning wheels. It caught the boat fair amidships, and broke it up like matchwood. The boy leaned over.