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Eh, but we're helpless creturs!" "I' your w'y, Grizzie, ye wad keep us as helpless as ever, for ye wad hae a' thing hauden to oor han', like to the bairnie in his mither's lap! It's o' the mercy o' the Lord 'at he wad mak men an' women o' 's no haud's bairns for ever!" "It may be as ye say, Cosmo; but whiles I cud maist wuss I was a bairn again, an' had to luik to my mither for a' thing."

Men are neither one thing nor t'other neither good nor bad. A prudent parson has nothing to fear from 'em nor a foolish one any thing to gain baugh! As to the women creturs, your honour, as I said, vartue's a deal in the constitution. Would not ask what a lassie's mind be nor what her eddycation; but see what her habits be, that's all habits and constitution all one play into one another's hands."

"Well, well, well, de listed sow, an' de big white hogue, an' seben head o' shotes done tore down de fence, an' took deyselves 'cross de riber for to steal Mars Jones's corn; I 'clare 't is a disgrace. I reckon Mars Jones gwine cuss a plenty when he fine it out. It certinly is a pity for master's creturs to do sich a low-life trick as dat.

Oh, they be cliver creturs, and they'll do what they likes with old Nick, when they gets there, for 'tis the old gentlemen they cozens the best; and then," continued the Corporal, waxing more and more loquacious, for his appetite in talking grew with that it fed on, "then there be another set o' queer folks you'll see in Lunnon, Sir, that is, if you falls in with 'em, hang all together, quite in a clink.

At length she said, unconscious that she was speaking aloud, "But he is not my brother, after all!" "Oh, miss, fie! Are you letting your pretty head run on the handsome gentleman. You, too, dear, dear! I see we're all alike, we poor femel creturs! You! who'd have thought it? Oh, Miss Fanny! you'll break your heart if you goes for to fancy any such thing." "Any what thing?"

For my part, I'd rather handle one of 'em than a dozen o' them little waxy, weak-eyed, slim-necked creturs that always do what they tell 'em to, and die afore they're a dozen year old; and never was the time when I've seen Myrtle Hazard, sence she was my baby, but what it's always been, 'Good mornin', Miss Byloe, and 'How do you do, Miss Byloe?

It raly is 'stonishin' to think how foolish dem creturs is; dey mout ha' knowed as someon' would ha' come an' let him loose." While thus thinking, she had crossed the room, and was now endeavoring to open the door, which gave admittance to the inner and larger apartment.

Begging your honour's pardon, I thinks gentlefolks what lives only with gentlefolks, and call themselves men of the world, be often no wiser nor Pagan creturs, and live in a gentile darkness." "The true knowledge of the world," said Walter, "is only then for the Corporals of the Forty-second, eh, Bunting?"

What curius and hinteresting hinformashun we can get from the werry humblest of our Feller Creturs when we goes the rite way to git it!

"Why, Uncle Peter," said Phil incredulously, "cats can't talk!" "Can't dey? Hoo said dey couldn'? Ain't Miss Grac'ella an' me be'n tellin' you right along 'bout Bre'r Rabbit and Bre'r Fox an de yuther creturs talkin' an' gwine on jes' lak folks?" "Yes, Uncle Peter, but those were just stories; they didn't really talk, did they?"