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While we were at breakfast, Poll began to whistle and talk very vociferously, and in a tone and with expressions that surprised me, till I learned that the bird is usually kept in the kitchen and servants' hall, and is only brought into the dining-room at prayer-time and breakfast. Thus its mouth is full of kitchen talk, which flows out before the gentlefolks with the queerest effect.

It's no use trying to be a gentleman if you can't pay for it. It always ends bad. Why, there was he, consorting with gentlefolks gay as a lark! Who has to pay for it? Kilne's fellow-victims maintained a rather doleful tributary silence. 'I'm not saying anything against him now, the publican further observed. 'It 's too late. And there! I'm sorry he's gone, for one.

Mac-Candlish bustled about, reinforced her teapot with hyson, and proceeded in her duties with her best grace. 'We have a very nice parlour, sir, and everything very agreeable for gentlefolks; but it's bespoke the night for a gentleman and his daughter that are going to leave this part of the country; ane of my chaises is gane for them, and will be back forthwith.

'Ay, ay, said the postilion, 'till the old people are pacified, and they send you letters directed to the next post town, to be left till called for, beginning with "Dear children," and enclosing you each a cheque for one hundred pounds, when you will leave this place, and go home in a coach like gentlefolks, to visit your governors; I should like nothing better than to have the driving of you: and then there will be a grand meeting of the two families, and after a few reproaches, the old people will agree to do something handsome for the poor thoughtless things; so you will have a genteel house taken for you, and an annuity allowed you.

For grammatical and other reasons, some critics consider this idyl apocryphal. Eunica laughed out at me when sweetly I would have kissed her, and taunting me, thus she spoke: 'Get thee gone from me! Wouldst thou kiss me, wretch; thou a neatherd? I never learned to kiss in country fashion, but to press lips with city gentlefolks. Never hope to kiss my lovely mouth, nay, not even in a dream.

Henry Irving knows the house, for he is President of the Literary Society there. The tale was told me by the landlord. Three chartermasters sat at a table in the bar, and old Pountney overheard their whispered talk. 'Didst iver drink port, Jim? 'No; what is it? 'Why, port port wine; it's a stuff as the gentlefolks is fond on. 'I reckon it'll be main expensive, then.

"'And gave him a handsome black eye one time, I says reminiscently. 'I'll make the most of that. The public likes anecdotes. "'No, says Sammy, 'you can omit to mention that black-eye business. That kind of an anecdote would be harrowing to the minds of literary inclined gentlefolks. You can reminisce about how you helped me carry wood while I recited passages of poem out of that book at you.

The servants at Windygates, airing themselves in the grounds in the absence of their mistress and her guests were disturbed, for the moment, by the unexpected return of one of "the gentlefolks." Mr.

Always mindful of his own interests, the miller knew that he would be the person blamed if he allowed his daughter to marry me. "They will say I did it, with an eye to my son-in-law's money; and gentlefolks may ruin a man who lives by selling flour." That was how he expressed himself in a letter to his brother. The whole of the correspondence was shown to me by Mrs. Stephen Toller.

"An' it's a bad day for us all," said the woman, beginning in a low voice, which became louder and louder as she went on, "it's a bad day for us all that takes away from us the only rale friends that we iver had, and the back of my hand to them that have come in the way, bringin' sorrow, an' desolation, an' misery on gentlefolks that have been good to the poor since iver the poor have been in the land, rale gentlefolks, sich as there ain't no others to be found nowadays in any of these parts.